Love, Romance, and Revenge. #Riansh Episode 82

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The episode starts with Vansh and Riddhima being very happy for the news of Siya's pregnancy.

Vansh went to Siya and he hugged very tightly to express to her his happiness that he will be her child's uncle.

Vansh: Congratulations my dear Siya. I really can't express to you how I'm really happy for that news. I'm super excited to see your child and I'm sure that he/she will be cute and adorable like his/her mother.

Siya: Thank you Vansh bro. Actually, I'm sure that my child will learn a lot of things from his/her uncle.

Kabir: Of course Siya. As all of us will want our children to own that unique style that Vansh bro owns it.

Riddhima: I don't think that anyone could own that unique style that Vansh owns it because Vansh is a very different and rare person who no one could be able to be like him.

When Riddhima finished those words, she and Vansh have an eye look.

Vansh was still very upset from Riddhima, but he can't stop himself from being happy when she is with him because he still loves her so much.

He is just still can't get used to what has happened today.

He wasn't believing that his Riddhima was loving someone before she loved him.

Just the idea that Riddhima was for someone else it really makes him burned from inside.

Siya: Oh! I can see that bhabi is the one who really romantic today, right Vansh bro?

Vansh didn't answer Siya.

Then he went to Angre and he hugged him.

Vansh: Congratulations Angre. Now our bond started to be more and more stronger. You are now my childhood best friend, a professional doctor in my hospital, my sister's husband, and now you will be the father of my sister's child. I'm really very happy for you Angre and I'm also happy that I have won a loyal person like you.

Angre: Thank you so much Vansh. I'm really lucky to be in a lovely family like you all.

Kabir: I'm really happy that after some time the whole couples here will have their children.

Sejal: Yeah! I'm sure that they will be all friends and they were enjoy their time together.

Siya: Yes.

Angre: I'm really excited for the arrive of the two babies, Sejal and Kabir's baby and Siya and I's baby.

Kabir: By the way, Sejal and I will be a mother and a father before you Angre and Siya.

Sejal: Yes, it is just 4 months left and our lovely baby will arrive.

Kabir: I hope that the baby just arrive safely and without any troubles.

Siya: So we still have time to learn a lot of things about how to be a perfect parents as we will be the last one to be a father and a mother in the family, right Angre?

Angre: Yes Siya. We will learn a lot from all the parents here.

Riddhima: But don't forget that Vansh and I are the first couple in the house to be a father and a mother, so of course we are the ones who know a lot of information and I'm sure that you all will need our help in a lot of things.

Siya: Of course bhabi.

Kabir: We will always learn from you and Vansh bro a lot of things.

Anuprya: I'm really happy for all my children. I'm really grateful for the the happiness that God has sent it to us.

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