Love, Romance, and Revenge. #Riansh Episode 91

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The episode starts with Sejal still talking with Vansh and telling him everything she is knowing.

Vansh was listening to her and there was a big happiness inside him.

He wasn't just happy that he has found the proof that proves that his wife is innocent, but he was also happy that he has reached to that without even needing to that proof.

He was happy when he became sure that his and Riddhima's love is pure.

He was happy when he became sure that his and Riddhima's relationship is very strong and it doesn't need any proof to prove that.

Sejal: I know that you now have already became sure of Riddhima's innocence without any proofs and that really makes me very happy that you doesn't need any proof to be sure that your wife is innocent and to know that she really loves you so much, but I would must to come to you to tell you everything so if that Sam thinks again to destroy your relationship with Riddhima you would be ready to not listen to any word against Riddhima.

Sejal has looked at Riddhima that was downstairs doing some stuff with the whole family members.

Sejal: Riddhima didn't loved anyone in her life other than you Vansh. Her love to you is very pure. Her love to you without any limits because she really loves you an unconditional love. Since the first day that I have seen Riddhima on it, I didn't have seen her very happy and glowing until the day that you have entered her life on it.

Vansh was looking at Riddhima while Sejal was completing her words.

Sejal: I can see how Riddhima loves you so much Vansh. So please don't allow anything to destroy your relationship with Riddhima. Don't make anyone or anything that could be able to just make you think to doubt Riddhima. No one in this world will be loyal to you more than Riddhima. I'm sure that Riddhima could merely sacrifice her life for you and your safety. So please take care about her and don't make her be sad again because Riddhima deserves just to be happy and I'm sure that she will never be happy if she isn't with you.

After Sejal has finished her words, she left Vansh and she went downstairs.

Vansh was still staring at Riddhima and watching what she is doing downstairs.

There was a huge smile drawn on his face.

He was feeling very relaxed after Sejal has talked to him.

Regardless that he has already took the right decision when he has listened to his heart and he became sure of Riddhima's innocence, but his conversation with Sejal made him more sure of his decision.

His conversation with Sejal made him love and respect Riddhima way more.

He was very happy when he was listening from Sejal's words exactly the same thing that Riddhima has said.

He was very proud that his wife is loyal to him.

He was happy when he became very very sure that Riddhima is very innocent.

Vansh to himself: I was sure that the decision that I have taken is the perfect and the right decision. I was sure that my love is pure and innocent. I was sure that I would never lose if I have listened to my heart. My conversation with Sejal proved to me that I was right and my love was right. This conversation makes me sure that my love is the thing that will always win.

He runs downstairs to go to Riddhima.

When he founds her and he was facing her face to face, he didn't hesitate for a second to hug her a very long hug.

He didn't care about anyone around him.

He didn't concentrate on the surprise reaction that was shown on the faces of the whole people that were in the hale of the house.

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