one • memory lost

Start from the beginning

the windshield of the car was completely shattered, a big open hole. it was almost as if something had been pushed right through it. certainly didn't look like something a gunshot would cause.

lydia shared a look with me and we both got into the car. lydia sat in the drivers seat, myself in the passenger. she sighed softly before gripping the steering wheel, shutting her eyes. i took it upon myself to glance around, trying to find anything in the front seat that could help.

"hm." lydia hummed, causing me to look over at her.

stiles shot up behind us, tearing his focus away from riffling through the backseat, "what?"

"this is a perfect shade for me." lydia said, looking in the rearview mirror as she dabbed at the eye show on her eyelids, "i forget the name..."

"you know, i was gonna say something earlier about it bu-"

"can we please stay on topic here?" stiles snapped, shaking his head in disappointment.

"i'm not getting anything." lydia argued, "and neither is olivia by the looks of it." she added, looking me over as she realized i had come up empty handed.

before stiles could retort, a howl echoed in the night air around us. i glanced over at a pile of tires as a coyote leapt out of the back end of the lot, coming to a stop near the four of us. taking the place of the coyote was suddenly a very nude malia. i stepped out of the car and handed malia her clothes.

"i don't think they're dead," lydia told her, coming to a stop on the other side of me as i stood beside malia.

ever the optimist, malia shook her head before arguing, "they're dead. probably torn apart. the only thing i don't get is why there's no blood."

"they're not dead." lydia argued back. "if they were dead, i'd sense it."

"if they were alive, i'd smell it."

"yeah, i'm not getting anything either." scott chipped in.

"scott, what are you talking about?" stiles asked, his eyes wide. "you were in his head for four minutes."

"he timed it." i muttered, shaking my head.

"well, it's not an exact science," scott defended. "and he's a kid. maybe he's too freaked out to remember."

"why does it matter if they're dead?" pulling on her shorts, "dead is dead."

"she has a point," i replied, shrugging. stiles sighed, giving me a look as he leaned back against the car. "am i lying?"

"okay, if it's just a robbery, we can't help them." stiles reasoned, "and if it's something supernatural, my dad can't help them."

"it sounds to me like you want it to be supernatural," i said, my eyes narrowing.

"it's been, like, three months since anything's happened." stiles informed and i blew out a breath.

"yeah, and thank god for that."

"and once a week you drag me out of bed like i'm done supernatural metal detector." lydia added bitterly, "and naturally, you bring olivia along. who, by the way, is not very friendly when you wake her up in the middle of the night to go searching for something." 

"okay, it is way more often than that." stiles agreed, "but y- you can't tell me that you think this is just some series of impossible coincidences?"

"what i'm saying is that maybe that wouldn't be so bad," lydia looked between the boys, then to me. before anyone could reply, she was turning on her heel and strutting away. malia followed behind as lydia was her ride home, and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

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