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1774, OCTOBER 03rd MONDAY 7:50 am.

Vida's body burst into flames. Fire danced on her shoulders and spread to her wagon wheel. Noche and Shaylin stood there as flames stuck to Vida's body like napalm, but never harmed her. They licked to the very bottom of Ouroboros and connected into a blazing, full circle.

Heat exploded from the wheel.

Noche and Shaylin covered their faces from the sudden burst of wind and increase of temperature. Flames covered everything – fire bloomed like a rose bursting with crimson petals. Noche created her wooden oar and Shaylin created a metal axe. With one arm Vida raised the lump of metal – it shot towards Noche like a bullet.

She raised the oar, but it was broken instantly; Shaylin couldn't react. Noche's body skipped across the ground like a pebble in a pond as Vida's hooped boomeranged back into her hand. In her grip, the red metal transformed to white-hot. She threw the hoop towards Noche again – air combusted behind it and left a trail of flames.

"Vida six feet tall, distance of fifteen from me, makes a velocity of – COME TO MAMA!"

Shaylin's robot arm expanded twice her height and predicted the path of the hoop. The metal fingers clamped down with industrial grip and caught Ouroboros. Using the momentum Shaylin spun and launched the hoop back at Vida. She caught it effortlessly.

Shaylin detached her melted cybernetic hand and created a new one. The fist clenched and she half-smirked with a twitch lower eyelid.

"Danishes... That's concerning," Shaylin mumbled.

Vida grinned, threw the hoop straight up into the air, and jumped. Dust exploded as Vida vanished into the sky.

"Where did she go!"

"Golly gosh, I don't know!"

Noche scanned the sky, a flicker of red light caught her eye, and it became red clouds.

"Uhh S-Shaylin."

"Oh mother fudger."

The clouds parted and dozens of massive flames rocketed towards them.


Noche's head whipped about as Shaylin stood and stared at the sky.


"Air resistance, gravity, trajectory, velocity is, mass, shape being..."

"Shaylin what are you-"

"-Not now pretty please!"

Shaylin raised her cybernetic hand and fired a dart. It hit the ground and quickly lit it up a holographic ring.

"Safe zone! RUN!"

Noche ran to the neon green circle – Shaylin bent down, prismatic energy surrounded them both, and a steel dome encased the duo. Heartbeats broke the silence before a cascade of explosions brought about a new type of quiet. The chaos died down, the girls threw the metal barrier off them, and Noche was hit by Ouroboros.

Fire melted her flesh; Noche screamed.

The hoop carried Noche thirty feet into the air, she created gloves of water, and grabbed at the wheel. It continued to spin in her grasp and tore at skin – steam exploded from Noche's hands as she grit her teeth and tightened her knuckles. The spinning slowed down and the metal dulled to a glowing red.

"When it's on fire, even I have trouble holding it back," Vida said.

The metal again became white-hot, jet flames appeared on every link, the spinning became twice as rapid. Noche was ripped away from the hoop; she crashed to the ground. Ouroboros spun in midair for a second before blasting back to Vida's arms.

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