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1774, SEPTEMBER 22nd THURSDAY 7:55pm.

Milkman's head hit the table, with a loud thud, the very moment Dharma left the room. He stayed in that position for about ten seconds before letting out a low dull groan that slowly grew louder for about two minutes. When he finished dying, he stood up and walked out of the castle. Jumping over the gap in the crown, Milkman reached the edge of the massive TV. Staring down the 5000ft drop, he felt a faint trace of vertigo this night.

"Huh... I must be hungrier than I thought."

He walked off the edge. Tumbling down headfirst.

For any normal person, this would be suicidal. As for Milkman, whose augment was strong enough to destroy the moon, it was not. Falling through the air for a few seconds, he slowly did a front flip and casually landed, feet first, on the ground; unharmed. His stomach grumbled loudly as he stood back up. Luckily, there was a delicious Hispanic food stall hidden nearby.

Barging past the little flags, Milkman was greeted by a wave of heat, the scent of cooking beef, sizzling tortillas, and dried chili peppers hanging on strings. Massive pans of rice were being cooked in plain sight as kabobs of bell peppers, chicken, and mushrooms were being flipped on the grill. His voice was nearly drowned out by the sound of metal scraping pots and pans.

"JOOOOOOSE! I'm baaaaaaaaack!"Milkman said.

As he sat down at the nearest barstool, he noticed four other customers were here; which was unusually crowded for this hidden place. A guy in a blue hoodie with cat ears, a girl with a magenta scorpion tail, a humanoid snow owl bellhop, and a tan guy with brown hair and loooong yellow bunny ears. None of them seemed to pay him any mind as he came in. Chaos and noise were every day in MoveCity, as they say. He sat down in the only space available; between the scorpion girl and owl.

The snow owl talked loudly, almost without taking a breath, to the bunny man; who didn't seem to be paying attention. While the scorpion girl laughed next to the blue hoodie guy. Jose came around and took Milkman's order. It wasn't until he went back to the kitchen did the scorpion girl notice who she sat next to. She nearly fell out of her chair.

"DIOS MIO! Es el hombre de leche!"

Her sudden flailing caught Milkman's attention.

"... Whut?"

The dark-skinned man in the blue hoodie, sitting next to this girl, leaned over.

"Ingles Venny." He said.

"The man of milk!"

Milkman's eyes half-closed as he smirked. 

"Milk boy," his eyes shot open. "MAN! Milk man!"

"Es dey Milkman!" Venny shouted, "W-W-What are you doing here?"

He stared at her for a moment.


"Ahh... Si.. Por supuesto. How silly of me."

She suddenly stood up.

"I be rude! I Venny Adventura! This is my boyfriend Rad Strider."

Rad stopped chewing for a moment. His mouth full of food as he looked at Milkman.


He went back to chewing.

"It is much pleasure to be meeting you!"

Venny shot up as she shouted.

"Grammar." Rad muffled through chews.

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