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The house filled with guests from the funeral and my family. Mingled, as I said, thank you to everyone for coming.

Glanced around the room to see my children stood with their families. Alex and Blair, Angel and Gerard, Freya and Drew, Aria and Samuel, Blake and Faith. Smiled and stepped towards Wyatt's office just to have some alone time.

Opened the door and got a scent of his cologne hit my senses, my eyes closed and I could sense him close by.

Closed the door and sit at his desk, smoothing the tips of my fingers over the things placed neatly on it. 

Trailed my eyes around the room to observe all the photos on the walls of our children and grandchildren. Smiling with pride at what Wyatt and I had accomplished over the years, and have a huge family to love. 

Gazed at the photos on his desk, "My god Wyatt, you look so fucking sexy," I said aloud as I stared at a photo of him in his younger days.

My god, he was a sexy guy and very good-looking too, and to think I've seen him naked. Wow, hot flush, just thinking about how steamy our sex life was.

We certainly were active right up to a couple of months ago, but that is when Wyatt had a stroke and never was the same again. 

He lost all mobility and found it hard to even speak to me, but he would write all the time until his body gave up.

"Riley, baby, I love you," He would always say it and call me beautiful.

Lean forward to stare at one photo of us when we first got together, and how we stared at each other. Reach to pick it up and a key falls onto the desk. 

Stared at the key, not knowing what it's for or why the key would be there. Turned the photo to glance at the back and notice what is written. "Riley, this is the key to my heart. Just for you baby," Placed my fingers to my mouth and sobbed.

Couldn't hold back any tears or the way my heart is aching with not having Wyatt by my side.

Try to compose myself and scan the room to find out what the key belongs to.

My orbs spot a large metal box in the corner, and I stand to approach with the key to unlock it. 

Hesitating to lift the lid, not sure what I would find, but I'm curious and slowly lift the lid with a deep breath.

Oh, my god, it's full of letters addressed to me plus all my races I've raced over the years. Knelt on the floor surprised at what I'm seeing, and my heart beats rapidly as I took the first letter to read.

One month after meeting Riley

"Riley, I never know how to begin a letter, but I guess just writing how I feel is all I can do. The first day I met you my heart exploded like confetti and the only way I could express myself is to write to you. I've never written a love letter before, so I guess this is one. My first ever love letter. Who would have thought a guy like me could write a love letter and not have the courage to give it to you? Whenever you are near me, all I find myself doing is watching you. It makes me sound like a pervert, but I assure you I'm not. I'm taken aback by how pretty you are and my god, you are beautiful. But you would never believe me and the way you look at me I know you are not interested, but a guy can fantasise. I need to get my sleep so I can wake and see your beautiful smile. Thinking of you Wyatt x," Placed the letter by my nose to smell his scent.

Wyatt is a romantic really even though he never showed me, but I was not into all the romance. Took another letter to read.

A week later 

"Riley, you are a ray of sunshine whenever my eyes gaze upon you and my heart just dances a tune. You have changed me from a playboy to a guy who is trying to stop the feelings I have for you. I know I ask you to arrange a call-girl for me, but nothing happens because you are always on my mind. The truth is, I can't look at another woman and you have doomed me, but it's all good. I'm happy to just sit opposite you and see the sunshine when you smile and the way you light up a room with your beauty. My god, I wish I could tell you all this but I'm a coward and have no guts to say it to your pretty face. Spending my entire workday with you is all I want to do. I don't want to attend the meetings or spend time away from you. The way I feel is hard to explain, but maybe someday you will hear me say all the things I want to say. Guess I'm not making sense. Don't know why I keep writing my thoughts down and how I feel because Riley I would never give them to you. From a guy who admires you, Wyatt x," Placed the letter on my lap and looked at the photos of us on the wall.

"Wyatt, I felt the same way for you, too. We are so alike in so many ways," I said as I stare at his photo. 

Stand to stretch my legs and lift the box to sit on the sofa to read more. I'm intrigued to know what Wyatt really was thinking when he first met me, and how shy he really was. 

When I first met Wyatt, he looked like a sexy geek with his glasses on and his suit stretched with his masculine body.

I was hotting up from the inside out and needed to cool down very quickly. But when he stood and my eyes scanned down his clothed body to his package between his legs, I clenched my thighs.

My heart fluttered and my body became inflamed with want for this guy, and I smiled to hide the way I felt.

What a man he was to put a smile on my lips to hold me tenderly and to make love to me all night. 

Wyatt, only had to glance at me in a certain way, and my knees would weaken my heart pounded and my clit pulsated. I would only feel all that being near him or even laying my eyes on him. 

We were active in our sex life, and boy Wyatt had a gift for me every time with the size of his cock. Mouthwatering is what it is. All the years of devoting our lives together, not once did we ever get bored with making love.

It makes me laugh, looking back at how we acted like teenagers all the time when we made love, and it was always like that.

Sure we had our difficulties and Wyatt moved out for a short while, but it made us stronger and our love was too deep to even sever. 

Mind-blowing sex is the only way I can describe it or outta this world. Being on cloud nine and not wanting the orgasm to end just pure pleasure.

Wyatt and I had it all, the lifestyle, wealth and a family we are extremely proud of. No matter what, we always put our children first.

Protecting Alex for the first few years of his life and not telling Wyatt is a regret I live with every day. But I loved Wyatt, and I still love him every day. He's not here is lonely, and my heart breaks a little every time.

I just hope when my time comes, he will find me and take me with him so we can be together for eternity. 

It's hard to wake up knowing he's not by my side and saying' morning beautiful', it hurts and my heart crumbles.

I'm an old fool in my mid-seventies, still thinking I'm a spring chicken, but I'm not. Wyatt was in his early eighties when he passed two weeks ago. It doesn't get any better, and the pain is unbearable.

Just one last kiss or a last word is all I want, but I won't get it.

Life is a learning curve with whatever choices you make, and don't think about the what if's?

Embrace what you got, because tomorrow it could all be gone in a split-second, and all you think about is the what if's.






The Boss's unseen Love-letters to his WifeWhere stories live. Discover now