2. I love you (1)

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The last thing FP remembered was Alice storming into the trailer and telling him about his-- their son. But now, they were in his bedroom, their clothes off, legs tangled around each others'. His arm was resting under her head and their hands were intertwined.  The sweat on them was slowly started to disappear, but more started to build up because of the heat in the bedroom. 

They had a long two hours of sex, long two hours of needing each other after a small talk about their dead child. 'He's dead because of me'. He didn't think it was her fault, he'll never. He doesn't think anything is her fault. She had also told him how she tried to tell him back in high school, but all he did was push her away.

His eyes flickered down to her Serpent tattoo and he traced it softly with his fingers. When he was done, he rested his hand on the tattoo and looked at her. "Are you okay?" He noticed that she was staring at a polaroid of them that was on his nightstand. It was Freshmen year, and he had just won his first football game alongside Fred. Their lips were connected and her legs were wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck. 

"Forsythe Jones! You just won a football game! You never win any!" Alice ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He smiled proudly and hugged his girlfriend back, "I did!" He laughed when she cupped his face and kissed him again and again. 

"It's pretty rare," she laughed as well and hugged him again. Fred looked at them and smiled. "I won as well! I want hugs and kisses, too!" He whined, stomping his foot on the ground. Alice looked at him and bit his bottom lip, pointing at Hermione. "She'll give them to you." 

He turned around and smiled as big as he could at his girlfriend, hugging her tightly. "May the star have some hugs and kisses?" He smirked and pushed her glasses up carefully. "Hmm, I've seen your hard word, so you deserve it!" Hermione attacked his face with kisses and hugged him, holding him as close as she could. He yelped and tried to pull away. "On the lips! On the lips!" 

"So, does the champion of the game deserve something too?" Alice asked FP, playing with the hem of his uniform. She looked up at him and smirked; knowing he was thinking the same thing. "Sweet-Water River?" She nodded and giggled when he picked her up and kissed her deeply. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and kissed him back, slipping her tongue into his mouth. 

"Say 'cheese', horny shits!" Fred smiled and took a polaroid of them, quickly grabbing the picture before it flew away with the wind. FP and Alice pulled back after he took the picture and they both frowned, knowing that Fred knew they didn't like getting their picture taken, but have so many. 

"Can I keep it?" FP asked, reaching out for the black and white photo of them. Fred nodded then handed it to him, taking a picture of him and Hermione now. "Let's all head to Pops before you two have the sex you need." Hermione pointed between them and FP put Alice down, reaching for her hand. 

"Yesss! Foood!" FP and Fred said at the same time, and they all walked to the famous diner everyone loved. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." She sighed and turned her head to look at him. "Do you want to take a shower?" Her words made him smile, but it quickly dropped by her other words. "But no sex, you killed my legs." She patted his chest and kissed his chin, getting up and wrapping his robe around her.

"You look really sexy in that," he smirked and watched her in awe, sitting up on his elbows. She bit her lip and smiled, nodding in agreement. "I know." She giggled then walked towards the bathroom, starting the shower. 

He got up as well and stretched before walking into the bathroom as well. He saw his robe on the floor and he kicked it to the side, moving the shower curtains to the side. He looked at the beautiful blonde and smiled, standing behind her and pressing his body against her, getting his hair wet with the warm water. 

She looked at her and turned around, cupping his neck and kissing him passionately. He held grabbed the small of her back and pulled her closer. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and let his dance with hers, his other hand resting on the wall behind her.


FP was sitting at the kitchen table, watching as Alice made some food for them. He stared at her the whole time and didn't even realize that she was done with the food and placed it on the table. "You're staring, Jones." She looked at him and smiled, standing in front of him. 

He blinked before looking at her again and smiling as well, he spread his legs more and sat up, pulling her between his legs. "You wanna know why?" 


"Because you're so beautiful!" 

"Oh please, like I didn't know." She laughed and climbed onto his lap, her knees sitting right beside his sides. "Mhm?" He raised his brows at her and she rolled her eyes, connecting their lips. He grabbed her waist when she started to grind on him. 

She moved her lips to his neck and sucked it, leaving multiple, visible and very red hickeys. She sucked his pulse as he did during their sex and started to move a little faster. He groaned when she did so and chuckled, grabbing her ass. 

"I love you," he said out loud without thinking again, his eyes widening. He felt her lips stop and her movement as well. She looked at him with a soft frown, moving her head away from his neck. "Y-You what?" She looked into his eyes and wanted an honest answer from him. 

He looked back into her eyes and sighed, knowing he can't run away from this conversation. "I said that I love you..." he said in a soft voice, slowly letting go of her hips. She looked at him and got off his lap, looking around. "Uhm, I need to--"

"Alice, I'm sorry--"

"No, no. I just remembered that Betty needs help with a school project."

"Alice don't lie--" 

"I'm not lying to you, I need to go. I hope you liked the food." She placed her hands on his chest and looked into his eyes before leaving. 

"Fuck!" He slammed the door shut and leaned against it, holding his head in his hands. 
Alice got into her car and started to take deep breaths, trying to forget what FP said, and drove back to the Northside. 

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