Chapter Twenty-Five - Liam

Start from the beginning

Around that time is when I notice we're in the middle of nowhere. "Where are we?" I ask to either of the front passengers, but Jimmy just claps the driver on the shoulder and says, "I think this oughta do. Go ahead and pull in here."

The cab turns off the road and crawls into a grassy patch of land. It's safe to say that it's been a while since I've last seen this much land. I help Jere with his seatbelt before unbuckling, taking out his booster seat with me as I slide out of the bench. The breeze comes easily here - not as humid and heavy as it was in the city.

"Is this what it's like in Texas?" I call out to Libby as she and Jere slide out of her side of the cab.

After closing the door behind Jere, she comes to stand next to me and sighs. "Not really." I look down at her beside me and she grins. "I mean, it depends on which part of Texas. But yeah, I can guess that most of it is like this. But not my part of town."

Before I can ask what her home is like, Jimmy calls out to us for help with the stuff we brought. Lugging out the load of crap we cramped into the trunk, I let Jere carry his pillow and baby blanket while I carried the portable stereo Jimmy insisted to bring with us and the bag of spare clothes for all of us. Apparently we're spending the night out here.

Libby trails behind me as I follow Jere out into the open field, the cut-down grass tickling my ankles the further we go. "I think this is good," I call out to him, and he stops, looks around for a second, and then nods in agreement as he drops his stuff to his feet.

I gently set the items I'd carried out here onto the ground, turning around to find Jimmy walking away from the cab that's pulling out of the makeshift meadow. Jere waves to the driver and I can kind of see the driver smile behind his windshield.

"Nice spot, buddy," Jimmy sighs, walking around in a circle as if to take a good look at the place, and then follows through to set his stuff on the ground as well. "It's real cool out here."

"Yeah," Libby agrees next to me, looking up at the sky in awe. "The trees are taller than I expected. What made you think to do this?"

Jimmy looks down at the ground - almost sheepishly - and admits, "I took a look at your - or, your friend's - bucket list. I wanted to help out a bit."

I try to reach into the back of my memory for what part of the list this could have been on, but Libby seems to know exactly which one and runs up to him for a hug. "You're so sweet, Jim." He wraps his arms around her and rubs her back.

"I know," is his reply, and we all laugh.

As they part I watch Libby quizzically, and she seems to know why exactly. "Have a bonfire," she states. "Wish on a shooting star - I mean, if there will be one. Sleep under the stars. Go on a camping trip. And," she says, as if this is the big one, "complete five things in one day."

After counting on his fingers, Jere looks up at her in utter confusion. "What's the fifth thing?"

"I taught-"

"Tried to," Libby corrects.

Rolling my eyes, I finish, "I tried to teach Libby guitar."

"You've never taught me how!" Jere fusses, and smile.

"I'll teach you how one day."

"Do you need help with that?" Libby asks Jimmy, but he just waves her off as he walks off into the woods.

"C'mon Jere!" he calls behind him, and Jere hurriedly races to catch up with his uncle. "We got some kindle to collect!"

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