"why did you bring me out here?" tommy winced at the blinding sun.

"because i need to be vigilant..my pathetic excuse of a mom and asshole of a stepdad are probably lurking around here somewhere..but there's no way i'm letting them or a stupid guitarist stop me from living my life." i insisted as we approached the pool area. "i need a bodyguard."

i soon noticed a lot of girls, dressed in bikinis, sitting by the poolside. "on second thought, you might be completely useless here." i told him, almost in sync with his gaze falling on them, his jaw dropping open.

his tall figure attempted to smoothly approach them. but he was in the band, it didn't matter how goofy he was, they loved him.

i noticed the guy from yesterday sitting on a bench near the sidewalk, furiously writing in a notebook.

"hey stranger, i know you." i spoke loudly, disrupting his zone of concentration.


"it's lillian..." i smiled as i reached him. he returned with his pearly whites.

"nice to meet you, lillian. hows things?"

"hmm, may i sit?" i asked, to which he moved over and patted the wooden planks beside him. "let's not talk about it. am i interrupting something?" i asked, referring to the notebook in his hand.

"oh just, lyrics. for my world dominating band."

"oh sure, sure. may i read?"

he was wearing a top hat, not too old fashioned, it was fashionable enough for his image. he nodded, the hat following the motions of his head.

i took the paper from his hands.

an angel's smile is what you sell,
you promised me heaven then put me through hell.
chains of love, got a hold on me,
when passions a prison, you can't break free.

"i like it!"

he looked off into the distance and shook his head. "you can be honest!" his eyes remained fixated onto the distant beach.

"i am! these are some beautiful lyrics, relatable.."

"yeah, i promise the fact that the lyrics are identical to your situation is purely coincidental.." he said before raising his eyebrows, hinting at sarcasm.

"wow, that's all it takes? a sad girl who's been heartbroken, all of a sudden you've got a song? you need some original material bud..." i patted his shoulder.

he shrugged. "fair enough. wanna help?"

i was almost taken aback at his question. "o-oh well, i've never really written a song before." i look away, suddenly deep in thought. ive never really done much to provide for myself. ive always relied on others. "y'know what? give me that pen." time for change.

okay, it's a song about heartbreak. summon the pain, lillian. it wasn't hard, the stinging, constant pain was boiling under the surface, waiting to be released.

i clicked the pen.

paint your smile, on your lips,
blood red nails, on your fingertips.

"do you want this written from the perspective of a guy or girl?" i looked up, seeing that he was watching the paper.

"your choice, lillian."

he's right. bout time i make my own choices.

a school boy's dream, you act so shy.
your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye.

i handed him the pen and paper.

"nice, you're a very good lyricist for someone who's never written a song!" he exclaimed.

"thank you!" i smiled. my curved lips soon dropped as i turned to notice mick, leaving the hotel entrance. his eyes fell on mine, he paused in place. i turned away and saw richie looking at him in my peripheral vision.

"that him?" he asked quietly.

"that's him." i replied. "he still stood there?"

"nope, he's heading for the pool."

a wave of relief washed over me, yet so did pain. he was within such close proximity, my body didn't know what to do with itself.

my entire body was tensed up. i didn't realise i was crying until one of my tears stained the paper.

richie noticed and looked at me. "hey, hey, it's okay. don't think about him right now. just write. write how you feel, how he made you feel." he spoke softly, providing some comfort.

my hand shook as i picked up the pen, but steadied as my focus returned to the lyrics.

shot through the heart, and you're to blame,
you give love, a bad name.
i play my part, and you play your game,
you give love a bad name.

"i played the damsel in that relationship very well. was bound to get hurt eventually."

"lillian. writing these lyrics, i hope you've proved to yourself that you're worth more than being someone who is saved by everyone else. you've got a gift here. if you were the damsel in distress before, something tells me you won't be the damsel anymore."

he was right.

heaven ☆ mick marsWhere stories live. Discover now