Meet the Characters - HBomb

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Meet Liam! Liam is a 17 yo Mustang stallion who was born in captivity and therefore is a pretty chill guy

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Meet Liam! Liam is a 17 yo Mustang stallion who was born in captivity and therefore is a pretty chill guy.

Despite being chill, he's also quite the loner. While he shoots his shots with plenty of mares, it usually doesn't work out and he gives up sometimes. Usually, the mares love him, but it's him who's the picky one.

His favorite activities are pretty much hanging out with Link, his chihuahua friend, doing a bit of exercise, and occasionally being drug into herd activities. Because he is fine with exercise, he's the best advanced lesson horse for teenagers and older. He doesn't like kids too much, but he cooperates around them against his will when necessary. He's not exactly lazy as he listens well to commands, but he's definitely not enthusiastic. Because of this, he can be trusted bareback and with minimal tack and a very soft bit, or no bit. He's too lazy to bother running off or misbehaving. And he's not spooky at all. He's basically bomb-proof. He's generally a grump who doesn't like to be bothered by pasture-mates or people, and wherever the herd is, he's at least thirty yards away with usually one horse trying to pester him. And usually that horse is Shelby. They're also neighbors in the barn, and they love each other but they definitely hate each other sometimes too. They actually used to be 'stall-mates' if that's what you'd call it.

For the mares and stallions that were always together, they got really large stalls and stayed together 24/7. And at one point, there were a lot of horses at the barn and not enough space, and because Shelby and Liam got along 'okay,' they put them together for four months. And they did fine with a few occasional tiffs, but it was no big deal. However, Shelby did annoy Liam quite a bit. She definitely loves him more than he loves her.

But despite being an introvert, he does hang out with the herd a lot. He doesn't always enjoy it though.

Overall, he can be a decent horse. Definitely not as much to say about him as there was Shelby. He's very easygoing, is polite to most mares (except for Shelby sometimes) and people, and he'll do just about anything, but he's not the most affectionate or attention-craving like some others. He's happy with being alone and being fed treats every so often, and occasionally going for a little gallop around the track. He's not fond of anything really, he doesn't hate anything really. He's just.. there.

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