5. Lilies

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Monday morning, I wake up later than usual so I wasn't able to go for a run. I decided to text Dorian.

Me: Morning cupcake, you busy?

Cupcake 🧁 : for you? No. What's up sunshine.

Me: send me the address of your company.

Cupcake 🧁 : *address* will you come here soon?

Me: in a few minutes :)

I had plans with Stella later on the afternoon, we were going to talk about the date, she seems really excited so I'm guessing it went very well.

I walk around the streets of New York, the whole area buzzed with sounds as people rush in and out of stores, others are in their cars, I hear a couple of honks and traffic gets worse by the minute. That reminds me I really should get a car, I've saved up enough but never took the time to get one yet.

I walk into the store and my nostrils are filled with amazing scents of different flowers and plants.

"Good morning." I smile at the middle aged woman.

"Morning to you too." She smiles kindly.

"Can I please have a bouquet of lilies." I ask and she nods as she prepares a bouquet. I take it from her hand and pay.

"Thank you so much, have a good day."

"You too hun." She waves.

I walk out and get into a taxi and hand him the address of the company.

Soon we arrive and I pay and walk out of the car, I take in my surroundings. The building itself is has a mirrored exterior, very tall, many floors from what I can see. I walk forward and the door automatically opens. People are pacing around each of them have their noses stuffed in their own work. I walk to the front desk.

"Can I please see Dorian." I tell the man at the desk.

"Dor- you mean Mr. Lorenzo." Right.

"Um yes please." I smile.

"Sure, tenth floor, last door to the right." He instructs and I nod in response.

As soon as I reach the door I knock excitement coarsening through me, I'm not sure why I just want to see him.

"Come in." His deep voice calls out from the other side. I open the door slowly,  resulting in a creaking sound to echo in the large hallway.

"Hey cupcake." I say and his head snaps from his computer. He stands up I notice his appearance is more professional, white button up shirt, some top buttons undone, still wearing rings, a black dress pants, sleeves of his shirt rolled up, he looks like a boss.

His eyes rake over me, as he takes in my short flower patterned dress, I feel unprofessional but it's fine. His eyes meet mine and he smiles as he strides over to me.

"I got you something." I have the flowers hidden behind me.

"What'd you get me sunshine." He says as he stops in front of me, his eyes never leaving mine for a second. I hold out my hand and show the bouquet of lilies, he looks and his eyes cloud with soft fondness I haven't seen before. He takes the flower from my hand and meets my eyes again.

"Thank you sunshine." He says genuinely and I offer a big smile seeing how happy he is about the flowers.

"Come sit." He grabs my wrist and leads me to his chair. "Hey I need a vase  with some water." He presses a button for assistance.

"Watcha doing." I wiggle my feet back and forth.

"Some emails." He dismisses with a hand.

"I want take you out to lunch." I offer. "I know this great pizza place, you need to try it." I tell him.

"It's almost lunch break, we could go now." He suggests.

"Okay!" No need to tell me twice.

"Okay" he repeats, laughing at my excitement. His hand engulfed mine as he pulls me to my legs and we start to walk out. He doesn't let go of it throughout the whole elevator rides and out in the lobby, we get confused and curious looks from everyone but I don't think he cares. He leads me to a parking lot and unlocks a black Mercedes, he really is rich, but he's worked hard for it, and for that I'm super proud of him.

Opening the passenger door for me I get in and mumble a thank you, he walks to the other side and starts the car.

"Where to?" He asks. 

"Take a right from here." I instruct and he does so. The rest of the drive is filled with my horrible (in my opinion) singing and him starring at me ever once in a while.

Author's Note:
This is unedited just like all my other chapter so any mistakes you find let me know.
Lots of love
- Ja

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