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-he loves to pat your shoulder

-he says 'good job!' Alot whenever he feels proud of you

-he is always proud of you for trying

-he almost got into the edgy kids phase

-he is pribably a brony once😳


-he hates to be hugged for 2 minutes

-he can't stand to somebody smoking

-he doesn't pay attention to things and doesn't take his job seriously

-just wants something simple for his b-day


-he may seem like he is a cheater or a fuckboy but he wants a girl,boy or a non binary person to love him for the rest of his life and have a family with

-big pervert but respect people privacy when thwy need to


-skittles probably wishes for his dad to be dead at his birthday or so

-also doesn't take his job seriously

-stole adult magazines from other enemy soldiers

in this war(tankman x reader)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now