hiding it

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Reader pov

i woke up feeling cold and feeling like my breast were realeased,then i realised that i had sex last night.Dangit me! And now i have to hide my hickey! AUGHHHH!

as i got dressed without my underwear,yes i decided not to because i'am going to take a bath now.As i was finnish taking a shower,steve came up to me and asking me about my hickey.My bloodlines were already raising up and up but i just said the simpliest thing: 'my neck is hurt,remember?'.And so he left.Phew!

I got my armor on and i'am ready to do some war stuff! But still,i felt like i can't even walk straight! I think i need to hide the fact about it,probably! But now i need to do my job before i could make an excuse of saying 'i'm sick' so i couldn't do some war things and to hide the fact that i had sex

at our stop,i decided i need a plan to see if i could hide my hickey.But nothing came to my head,sadly :(

it was already half through the day as i started to snipe with sniper,or ted or whatever his name could be! Let's just call him ted for now,since idk.We took off our helmets because it was hot outside and it wasn't actually a very big deal about it."hey,what the fuck is that fucking shit ya got there? A fucking hickey ya got from the captain?" Well shit😀🔫,looks like ted found out about it!

(AN:aaaaaaaaaa it has been so LONG since i have used emojis here,yes i used emojis in my story once and looking back at it,its cringe! But i'm jot gonna use the emojis frequently tho-)

"oh..uh..that! Well..uhh..its uhh" Sweaty as i was,i wasn't able to talk straight.Ted looked at me like inwas an enemy sdier and asked: 'did ya have...sex?' AUGGGGHHH why do you have to know before i even asked?!?!?!?

captain pov

i was doing my casual job as a fucking soldier when out of the sudden steve said the weirdest shit!: 'Sooooo....do you hear those moans last night? If you did then who could've have sex?' He said curiously like i know who had sex "look i went to bed,ok? So i don't know who is the bitch and the dick who had sex!" "Well,(y/n) is a bitch!" Steve said,still casually saying stuff.Ugh! When did this conversation started to not make sense?

*Time skip to the end of the day*

As i got ready for bed and stuff,ben came in my tent and i felt like my heart is blasting! "Hey,i just want to say...don't get her pregnant!"

that scared me for a second,fuck you ben!


eyyyyyyy its short but its worth it!

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