jealous captain

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This was a request,so please leave request here if ya want!


tankman pov

me and my tiny platoon are just chilling in a bar,i felt a little jealous because of how (y/n) laughed to this dude named,ben

A/ my ben,he is kinda clumsy,he is lazy and he likes to sleep(●’◡’●)ノ

Now they are just laughing about shit and stuff,and honestly,i don't know what has gotten into me but i feel jealous rn.He seems like the type of person (y/n) would love,i wish i was in his shoes.

"hey,captain! Are you ok? You seem a bit jelly!" "lemme tell you a secret,i'am jelly of,ben!" I told him my little secret,he is the best at keeping secrets! Or he just forgot about it,which made me piss off or something like that

then,ben tells another joke which made (y/n) laugh.Damn ben,he is always showing off with his jokes but seriously,what aas gotten into me today? I feel like a yandere wanting to kill him!

"hey,guys! I think we should really do be searching for the base!" I said trying ti seperate ben and (y/n) "oh well then,follow me!" Ben said in a happy tone.FUCK IT BEN!

we got to the base,did training and after that i wash up and chill,i then feel like i want to hang out with (y/n) and i did but then ben appeared in her tent and i was pissed off! Fuck,ben!

i then decided to chill with steve,he gaveme advice on how to impress a girl but i don't think it will work....besides most of his advice are trash but i appreciated that he wants to help us


Haha only tankmans pov but who cares! :^)

in this war(tankman x reader)(DISCONTINUED)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin