Seeking Happiness ~ Part 8

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Chapter 8 | Thalia POV

I've been sitting here on the edge of this cliff staring at camp halfblood. A week ago I got an Iris message from my little brother and Percy. They were incredibly vague other then the fact I needed to meet them at camp halfblood as soon as I could. Right before the connection cut off I heard one name. A name whispered, I was not meant to hear the name that sent chills down my spine...Luke.

Honesty, I've been here for three days but I've been too terrified to go down. I was here when they arrived, when they dragged him in bound and gagged. I couldn't stop the tears, they spilled out over my cheeks. He was dead, Luke died, that was a fact.

I loved Luke from the moment I met him. He was the protective male figure in my life that I craved growing up. He was there for me when no one else was, he was my closest friend, and if I had it my way future husband.

It hit me hard when he died, Annabeth thought she had it bad, but I was a wreck! I didn't eat or sleep. I just sat there remembering all the good times I had with him, all the adventures I went on. I would beat myself up, I would tell myself that if I was a better fighter this would never had happened.

If I was a better fighter I would have never been turned into a fucking tree, then I would have been there for him and none of this would have happened. This was the sole reason I decided to join Artemis' hunters. I figured no boys, and always learning new fighting techniques.

Now I see them drag in the supposedly dead boy who has haunted my life, into camp. He was very much alive, and his grasp on my heart and not weakened a bit. I could feel it pumping harder just thinking about him like his hand was the one squeezing my heart.

None of it made sense, even if by some miracle he was alive, he shouldn't be treated like this. Him being tied up suggests that he's evil, but his last dying action was killing himself so Kronos wouldn't rise to power. My head was spinning, so many questions so little answers. The last thing I would have said about me, is that I was a coward. It's time for me to confront my demons.

I took a deep breathe and descended to the camp below. I was almost to cabin 1. The home I never chose to know. I got to the door when I heard him. He must have known I was here, he was waiting for me. "Lurking in the shadows are we?" I turned around expecting to find Jason or Percy. Not Hades kid Nico. "Well that's pretty much all I do these days."

He walked past me into cabin one, it was really creepy how he had this way of almost dissolving into the darkness. I wasn't completely thrilled about following him inside. "Hey Nico... Do you think you could turn on a light or something?" His voice whispered out of the solid black, "Don't tell me you're scared of the dark...? Oh Alright, I got it hold on...." A faint glow illuminated a corner of the room. "Better now?"

A small candle burned in the corner by the statue of Zeus. "Much." I walked over to where he was sitting, "So what's the deal? What's going on with Luke?" He looked at me weird, "Why do you assume I know? What just because my dads God of the underworld?" Now it was my turn to look at him weird, "Are you telling me that a demigod, a very important demigod has returned from the dead, and you Nico son of Hades knows nothing about it?"

He just shook his head, "I honestly don't. I'm as confused as you are, and I don't like it. I tend to know the majority of what goes on underground. But this, I can't explain, that's why I'm here. I want answers." I rolled my eyes, "Don't we all."

He glared into the flame of the candle, "But one thing I do know, is he didn't get out on his own. That kid was on lock down. He had outside help, most likely possessed by something powerful. You know piggybacking him, using his body as a tool."

"Yeah, it's Tartarus..."

Okay I am so done with the random voices in the dark! "Who the hell is in my cabin?!" Whoever it was he was laughing.

"Well considering we basically have the same dad it's kind of my cabin too." It took me a second to tell my heart to stop beating so heart, and calm down. "Shit Jason, I totally forgot you would be here. Its good to see you bro... or rather hear you I cant really see."

He stepped into the candle light, "Its nice to see you, I didn't expect you'd come for a couple more days." Then he turned to Nico, "And I didn't expect to see you at all, but no matter you will be extremely helpful. Now lets go Percy's waiting for you guys in his cabin."

"Wait I thought you said you weren't expecting us?" He sighed, "Oh I didn't expect you... but Percy did. "


Yeesh, srry guys.

This isn't a good one, but it will get better.



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