Rahul couldn't wait to tell everything to sid, he just waited for sid alone without Priya, when they reached college Priya went with Swetha and pooja Rahul took the opportunity and told sid everything, even Avinash's departure, which sid already know from Vihaan, when he said everything to their parents on last night dining table, but the new information was that elders know everything, then how come every one are calm about it. Is there any back story that Priya doesn't know or Avinash manipulated everyone, but according to Rahul it was his parents who said everything to elders is that means there is something does they don't know, if that is the case why isn't Avinash said anything to priya. It could have solved their problem doesn't it.

A week went in priya's inner turmoil, sid Rahul confusion, Avinash's drinking and Rohan's worry, it was Saturday weekend where everyone meet for breakfast Lunch and dinner, Priya hopped to see Avinash she still doesn't know he went to London.

It was 5:30 in the morning when Rohan's phone rang, he looked at the caller ID and hoped it wasn't the thing he was thinking.


"Rohan, your brother is all wasted man, it's 1 Am we almost closing pub" Rohan took deep breath

"Yes Mike, iam in india Mike I will send someone, thank you"

He immediately called Jai (Avinash's friend and sid's cousin)

"Hello jai, sorry to distrub you but bhai is in pub and totally drunk please take him to his appartment"

"Rohan, that idiot didn't stopped drinking did he, okay iam going send me address" Rohan sent him address and threw his phone. 

You can't waste your life for one person bhai why don't you listen, and Don't even want me to come, I will come this time bhai, even if you say no, I don't want to listen anything from you. 

After an hour Rohan again got call from jai informing him that Avinash slept, he breathed relaxing.

Everyone was at sid's home eating breakfast, priya came there but she didn't saw him, with confusion she sat there, Rohan clenched his fist after seeing Priya, now he can't even be in her presence, morning phone call provoked him more.

"Only Avinash is missing, is he okay there" sid's grandfather asked Avinash's parents nodded their head but the fact is even they don't know how he is. Priya looked at them in confusion she couldn't understand what they was talking about and where did he went.

"He have to live alone there, I don't know what that is eating" his grandmother sounded worried

"It's okay grandma, London isn't new for bhai, besides he know how to cook, don't worry" Rohan said calmly, now Priya understood he went back to London but when, Vihaan looked at Priya and understood what she was thinking

"He went back on Monday, afternoon" Priya went pale, that means he went on same day they fought, she thought to apologise him saying everything these many days and hating him, now she thought about everything it was something more than she thought but how can she say sorry to him, does her simple sorry can make everything right. She needed help for saying him sorry, maybe Rohan can help her even if she has to go London for it she is ready to go.

Avinash got up from throbbing headache, he clutched his head tightly, he was now got habituated to these hangovers, sudden he saw a figure infront of him, no two figures, he lifted his head it was jai and jeeth.

"When do you guys came" he blinked his eyes

"It was us who bought you here, do you know how worried Rohan sounded" then realisation hit him, he was at pub last night

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