Sapnap went to the bedroom immediately. Dream laughed at him, but opted to join as well. He sat at his computer, though. Coding a new plug in for a video they were going to record and post before things got too hectic. Sapnap fell asleep in the matter of seconds. 


"There is already an offer on this house, they've offered to pay 10k over asking price. Just between us if you put in an extra 5k the owners will accept your offer right away," the realtor said to the two. 

"What do you think? Do we do it?" Dream asked the man on his left. 

"I think we should. I could start streaming a lot again and get that easy," Sapnap laughed. 

"Want me to contact the agent with the 15k offer?" she asked. The two looked at each other again, and nodded. 

"Please," Dream smiled. 

"Alright, will do," she wrote something down on her notepad before looking back up. "It was a pleasure working with you two gentlemen. I'll be in touch to let you know how things go." 

She showed them out, and waved goodbye once more before locking the door and getting into her own car. They drove home and relaxed. 

A couple hours went by, and Dream got a call. He muted the tv and picked up. 

"Hello?" he paused for a moment. "Yes this is he." 


"Are you serious?"


"Of course! Thank you so much," they talked for a few more moments, and then he hung up. "We got it."

"Really? Oh my god," Sapnap stood up and hugged the blonde. They shared a kiss, then continued to hug. 

"We can start moving in tomorrow. She said she'd meet us with the keys and some paperwork and it'll be ours," Dream smiled. 

"This is great! Oh my god Clay this is amazing!" Sapnap was beaming with joy. He was ecstatic, buying a house with his best friend, who was also his boyfriend, what else could he ask for?

"In the morning we stop at the storage unit and get some of your stuff in, then we can start packing up my stuff and put this place up," Dream smiled, kissing the top of Sapnap's head. 

"I'm super excited," Sapnap was beaming with joy. 

"Me too love, me too," Dream said. The rest of their night was packing up mostly everything, the exception being necessities and some cooking ware that they'd need to make food before they started living at the new house. 

In the morning, Dream and Sapnap got up around 9 a.m to go to the storage unit. They got Sapnap's old bed frame and mattress, deciding to put that one in one of the spare rooms, and his couch. They were going to use both couches since there were two living rooms. 

They met the realtor at 10, signing some papers to make the purchase final, and then they got handed the keys. She waved and said goodbye before they started to move some things in. 

Around 1, they called a moving company to help. Of course, they could have done it themselves and save the money, but they needed the help or else it would have taken weeks. While Dream stayed at the new house, Sapnap went back with half of the movers and started packing up Dream's house. 

Everything except Dream's bed was taken out of the house. They decided to spend one more night there before hiring someone to clean, and then to put it on the market. 

When Sapnap got back to the new house, his PC was in his 'office' which was also a guest room and his bed was in there, the second office was almost finished, Dream's set up being moved in as they speak, and the real guest room, or Kat's room, was all set up, the bed, nightstand, TV, and the wardrobe all situated. 

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