39. My life

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Lucy's POV

Ashton didn't drop me off at Devyn's house as I expected he would. Instead, he took me back to my aunt's house and told me sternly that I needed to leave Devyn.

When we arrived at my house he parked his car and talked to me about how hitting a woman is never acceptable and the abuse and manipulation that Devyn has constantly put me through needs to be put to a stop.

I always knew that something was wrong with our relationship and loving him is one of the most painful things I have ever been through.

But the most painful thing of all, was leaving Calum.

I love Calum and I always have but I don't know why it's so hard for me to just admit that to him. I keep saying that I still have feelings for him but that's just because I don't know if it's possible to love two people at the same time.

When Calum told me to go back to Devyn, it hurt like a thousand knives were being stabbed right into my heart.

I didn't understand how he could think this plan would work. Devyn is dangerous and I didn't feel comfortable being alone with him anymore. But I knew better than to not trust Calum.

I stayed the night at my aunt's house but promised myself to do as Calum says's and go to Devyn's in the morning.

My mind was racing all nights with thoughts and absolute shock from what I've been through this past year. I completely lost who I was as a person. I got confused with what I was enjoying and what was actually good for me.

This is my opportunity to have my life back.

Trusting Calum is the most important thing in this situation, but I'm worried for my career. I fear that losing Devyn means losing my career and I can't have that happen. I've worked too hard.

I groaned from feeling completely broken and confused and as much as I didn't want to go to Devyn's house and get this over with, I had to.

I got myself out of bed and walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I turned on the shower and walked back over to the counter. I must have stared at my reflection for 10 minutes because steam was quickly filling up the entire bathroom.

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I took my clothes off and got in.

My shower wasn't too long even though I wanted to stall and I wrapped the towel around myself, brushed my teeth, and walked back to my room.

The bruises on my body were still very much evident and it was horrible to look at. Every time I saw myself in a mirror I internally cringed at the sight. It was a constant reminder of everything that has been happening to me.

I looked through my closet and picked out a pair of jeans, a white lace top, along with my black high top converse. I made my way back to the bathroom to put on some light makeup and I didn't even bother covering up the bruises on my arms with foundation, or the hickey Calum had made on my neck last night.

I wanted the bastard to see the physical and mental pain he has put me through.

Grabbing my purse and walking down the spiraling stairs, I kept my head up high. Today I am taking back my life.

The drive to Devyn's house was filled with me coming up with exactly what I needed to say to him. Our relationship ends today whether he's okay with it or not.

I still don't know what Calum's plan is but I'm sure that I will figure that out soon.

I knocked on the door to Devyn's obnoxiously big house and stood back for him to open.

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