38. Broken boy meets broken girl

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Calum's POV

"How could you just let her go?" Victoria practically started yelling at me the second I walked down the stairs and into the living room.

I know that I made the right decision letting Lucy figure this out on her own. There are still feelings inside of her for me and it would only make sense that she leaves Devyn and comes back to me where she'll be safe in my arms.

After all, Ashton and I did a lot more than just beat Devyn up...


"I thought you deleted the footage?"
The guys and I were in the backstage area of the theater at the movie premiere after the cast had given their speeches.

We were talking about the parties we had heard about and any open bars near by so that we could go out and celebrate the big night.

As we were walking I zoned out and overheard a familiar and vulgar voice. "I-I was going to b-but,"

"Then why didn't you do it already?" Devyn cut the girl off. The girl he was talking to seemed to be another actress who worked in Hollywood, but I couldn't help but think about what type of footage he's talking about.

"Well there's a bar that closes around 3am?" Ashton suggested as he searched through his phone.

"Ashton, none of us are 21 and this isn't Australia." Michael stated.

"Shit you're right. Anyone know any parties we could go to?" He asked changing the plan.

Michael and Luke shook their heads, obviously not knowing many people since we're still pretty new to the scene.

My eyes were still glued onto Devyn and the girl he seemed to be threatening. He was dating Lucy, why was he being so close and secluded with this girl.

"Cal," Luke said. My focus was still on Devyn. "Cal," He said again. "Cal what are you looking at?" He said stepping to my side and shaking my shoulder slightly to get me to pay attention to him.

"Huh, what?" I said snapping out of my thoughts.

"What are you looking at?" He repeated.

"Devyn," I said turning my gaze back on him and the girl. "He's talking to her about some footage that she hasn't deleted."

"Maybe she's a porn star." Michael laughed.

I gave him an annoyed look. "How would that have anything to do with this?"

"Just a joke." He said raising his hands up in defense. I turned back around and attempted to step closer to them so that I could hear what was happening.

I may not be with Lucy anymore, but I'm giving it my all to get her back. If Devyn's doing something behind her back, I need to know.

"If you're trying to listen better," Ashton started as he came to my side, "Go stand over there." He said pointing to an area where I would be able to hear what's going on and still not be seen.

"If something goes wrong, cover for me." I said nodding my head.

"Be strong shoulder." He said saluting me and causing me to roll my eyes.

I maneuvered myself around a few groups of people having conversations and stood at the area that Ashton pointed to. He was right, I was able to hear everything a lot more clearly now.

"Why would you want something so pleasing to watch, be deleted?" The girl asked. At these words, I pulled out my phone from my pocket and pressed record.

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