"Guys look! Is that what we need?" Vert asked.

"Yes! That's it! Grab it!" Nolo said.

Flying towards it, they noticed it moved when they got close to it.

"It moves!?" Tork asked.

"This is going to be harder than we thought." Vert said.

As they flew in the sunny, white puffy clouded realm, they attempted to grab the item multiple times. But no luck.

"HOW are we supposed to get this stupid thing!?" Monkey asked annoyed.

"Wait a minute, look." Vert said.

The item started glowing even brighter, until it exploded.

"WHAT!?!?" Everyone shouted.

"Wait look! It's placing track!" Kurt said.

It started building track, loops and jumps, sleek turns and deadly obstacles.

Then the portal to get out of the realm appeared at the end of the track.

"Look! The item is at the end of the track! All we have to do is complete the track and get to the portal!" Vert said.

They landed on the track, speeding through the loops, soaring over the jumps and through the obstacles.

They finally made it to the end and got the item as they went through the portal.

They landed in front of the safe house with Dr Tesla sitting on the porch, drinking a glass of lemonade with an umbrella in it.

"Ah, you guys got it! Good work." Dr Tesla said.

The item floated in Dr Tesla's hands when we held it, admiring it.

"We got to keep this locked up right until we get all of them." Dr Tesla said.

He took it inside. Vert and his friends sat on the porch to relax for a while. After all, they were in the realm for an hour chasing the item around like a chicken with its head cut off.

As the day went on, it started to get stormy and dark.

They went inside, and sat in front of the fireplace to get warm, as the rain started pelting down and hitting the windows.

"Today was exhausting." Lani said.

"You're right about that." Kurt said.

Everyone was chatting, except Vert. He was staring out of the window. Thinking about his dad being possibly tortured by Gelorum and her drones.

Tucking his hands in his Teku jacket, walking outside without making noise, Vert walked through the woods in the pelting rain.

He began to think about all the things he's done.

"Is this all my fault?" He wondered. "Was my Dad kidnapped because of me?" He thought.

As he was thinking badly about himself, he heard something snap.

Quickly turning around, rain being thrown out of his rain to be replaced with more rain.

He tried to look for what made the noise, but he could barely tell cause of the heavy rain.

He heard a snap again, but again behind him.

Trying to eye out everywhere at once, the snapping got louder, and louder, and louder.

"Who's there!?" Vert shouted.

As soon as he shouted that, red eyes glowed through the thick rainfall, staring right at Vert.

Gasping and trying to run, he then realized the red eyes were everywhere.


Vert knew exactly what they were. Gelorums upgraded drones. They've found their safe house.

Before Vert could do anything, he saw headlights headed right towards him. It was a car. But it didn't hit into him, it hit into the drones. Destroying all of them surrounding Vert.

He then saw what car it was. It was Lani's.

"Vert! What are you doing out here? You could've gotten yourself killed!" She shouted.

"I-I just needed time by myself. So I came out, and those things found me." He explained.

"You're lucky they can't track us anymore and only those knew our location." Lani said.

"I'm sorry." Vert said.

"It's fine, here. Get in, you gotta get out of the cold rain." Lani said.

As they drove back to the safe house, Vert remained quiet.

When Lani and Vert arrived back at the safe house, Dr Tesla was outside waiting for them.

When they got inside, Dr Tesla gathered everyone around.

"Everyone, I've got some good news, and bad news."

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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