Chapter One

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"Hurry! This way!" Vert shouted.

Vert and his friends sped through town, trying to get away from the drones, but they were too fast and almost impossible to get rid of.

"Guys! I found a place we can go! Follow me!" Vert shouted.

Everyone followed, even the drones. Pork Chop got to the top of his car, and swung his chain, hooking onto one of the drones forcing it to hit into the others.

Pork Chop laughed. "That's what you get you metal pieces of garbage!" Pork Chop said.

Finally getting rid of the drones, Vert and his friends sped off to the safe house. Where only they knew where it was located.

About a half hour later, they finally arrived to the safe house.

They parked their cars underneath the house, and went inside. Locking and bolting the door shut behind them.

"What are we going to do? Vert's dad is still kidnapped. We have no idea how to get the things we need to stop Gelorum. We have no clue!!" Monkey shouted.

"Monkey, calm down." Nolo said.

"I know how we can get them." Dr Tesla said, looking at his computer.

"How?" Tork asked.

"We have to go into realms. I know we don't have the Wheel of Power, but I do have these." Dr Tesla said.

He showed them a small device.

"What's that?" Lani asked.

"This is a device that allows you to go into realms, without the Wheel of Power." Dr Tesla explained.

"You have to get to 88mph in order for the portal to open." Dr Tesla continued.

"So... like the Delorean Time Machine?" Nolo asked.

"If you want to put it that way, sure." Dr Tesla said.

"But how are we going to tell how much time we have to get out of the realm?" Vert asked.

"There's a hologram built in that has a timer shown." Dr Tesla said.

Dr Tesla continued to explain to them, until it got late.

Everyone was exhausted, so they all went to bed.

The next day, they got up and ready to go into the realms to find the items they need to destroy Gelorum.

"You all know what to do. You have one hour." Dr Tesla said.

They got in their cars, and sped up to 88mph, speeding through the portal.

As soon as they entered the realm, Vert slammed on his brakes, but he realized it was a bad idea.

There was no track, nothing. Not even a sliver.

"THERE'S NO TRACK!!!!! WE'RE GONNA DIE!" Monkey shouted.

"Use your jets!" Vert said pressing a button to activate them.

They soon realized this realm had no track. At all.

"Is this realm...trackless?" Lani asked.

"I guess so." Vert replied.

Vert then noticed a light, it was the item they needed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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