Chapter 14: Thanos' Army

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Field in Wakanda...

"Where are the stones?" Dr. Strange barks frantically. Mantis reaches into her pocket and takes out the orb that holds the Power Stone. Dr. Strange takes it from her as Hill takes the scepter out of the case and hands that to Dr. Strange as well. Peter hands the tesseract over and Wanda pulls the Aether out of her pocket but does not hand it to Dr. Strange. Shuri hands Wanda the Soul Stone. Dr. Strange looks at Wanda expectantly; she stares back but does not hand him the stones.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?" Scott asks, looking around. Everyone looks at him in silence. "Alright, nevermind," he mutters, looking at his feet. Hope puts a hand on Scott's shoulder and he puts his arm around her waist.

"Wanda hand me the stones," Dr. Strange demands.

"No, Wanda don't," Sam says. Everyone looks at him. "Sorry, but I just met you, I don't know that I trust you with all 6 of the most powerful things in the universe. What's your plan? What are you gonna do with them if she hands them over?" Sam asks.

"We don't have time for this," Bucky growls, "Thanos' army somehow just traveled through time and is probably coming for us as we speak. Wanda give me the stones." Wanda hands the Aether and the Soul Stone to Bucky. Bucky places the Soul Stone on his vibranium hand and the vibranium reshapes, taking the Soul Stone in like a gauntlet. The stone's power surges through Bucky and he groans a little. He lifts the Aether towards his arm.

"Wait!" Shuri says. Bucky's hand freezes in mid air and he looks at her. She pulls a vibranium ball out of her pocket and taps it. It grows into a gauntlet and she hands it to Bucky. He takes the Soul Stone out of his arm and puts it on the gauntlet, putting the gauntlet over his vibranium arm. Wanda blasts a jet of red energy at the Aether and solidifies into the Reality Stone. Bucky places the Reality Stone into the Gauntlet next to the Soul Stone and groans even louder at this one as the power rushes through his body.

"You cannot handle the power of all 6 stones," Dr. Strange tells him. "So whatever genius plan you have isn't going to work. Just give me the gauntlet."

"Well my plan is to make sure you don't have all 6 at once until I know your intentions, so I'd say my plan is going great," Bucky grimaces. A hoard of Thanos' army is running full speed at everyone and they all turn to face the hoard, getting weapons ready.

"Hey kid," Sam says under his breath to Peter. Peter looks up at Sam. "You gotta help me get the old folks out of harm's way." Peter nods and Sam grabs Peter around the waist and launches into the air, wings taking flight. Peter shoots webs out and grabs ahold of a surprised Hank and Janet. Sam groans at the extra weight and flies a little lower. Wanda uses one hand to shoot energy at them, propelling Sam and his cluster of people up and away from the field. Sam lands next to a Wakandan plane. Hank and Janet rush inside.

"Be safe out there," Hank tells Sam and Peter. Sam nods and smiles a little.

"You too," Sam replies. Sam picks Peter up again and flies off towards the field again.

"Oh man, I was so sure you were gonna make me go with them," Peter says.

Sam and Peter land in the middle of the battle. Everyone is fighting back against Thanos' forces. Wanda rises up above everyone and uses a jet of energy to take the scepter from Dr. Strange while he uses the power stone against members of Thanos' army. Dr. Strange yells inaudibly at Wanda as she catches the scepter and floats back down to the ground on another part of the field where Bucky is using the Reality Stone against the aliens.

"Take the scepter, give me the gauntlet," Wanda yells to Bucky. He obliges and she puts the gauntlet on as he takes the scepter.

"Hey Sam!" Peter yells as he swings on a piece of web that is wrapped around Sam's waist. "Who do we want to have the stones?"

"I don't know, just focus on the aliens," Sam shouts back as he swoops lower to shoot one in the face.

Tiny Hope flies while tiny Scott runs below her over to Dr. Strange without him noticing. Dr Strange is using the Time Stone necklace to make the aliens in front of him extremely old and die. Hope lands on the Power Stone orb that Dr Strange is holding in his left hand. Scott climbs up his leg and into his pocket where the tesseract is. Hope grows to normal size, clutching the Power Stone and at the same time Scott grows giant while holding the tesseract. Dr. Strange is so taken aback he stumbles backwards in shock. Scott takes the Power Stone from Hope; who grows small and flies alongside Scott as he; still giant, jogs to Wanda. Dr. Strange gets to his feet and makes a sling ring right where Scott's foot is about to go.

"Oh no..." Scott moans as his foot goes inside and he trips and falls on his stomach on the ground, making a huge thud. Hope grows normal size and picks up the tesseract and orb off the ground. Hope runs the last few feet to Wanda and hands them to her. Wanda takes them and Hope shrinks again, flying over to Scott. Scott shrinks to his normal size with a moan and slowly gets to his feet.

Wanda crushes the tesseract and puts the Space Stone into the gauntlet, yelling at the power. Bucky looks over at her, mouth open.

"WANDA!" Bucky yells. "Don't put the other one in. It's too much!" Wanda tosses the orb to Bucky who breaks it open. "AAGGGGH!" Bucky roars as the Power Stone sinks into his Vibranium arm and purple power surges through him. Sam lands with Peter next to Bucky and Wanda.

"Watch the kid!" Sam shouts to Bucky. Bucky nods and Sam turns to Wanda. "I'm going to the ship, you'd be a great help," he tells her over the ruckus of battle. She nods and, using red magic, rises above everyone to fly towards the ship. Sam takes flight after her.

"Sorry about that time in the airport by the way," Peter yells to Bucky as he fights off an alien.

"Forget about it," Bucky yells back and hands Peter the scepter. Peter takes it and uses it to whack the alien across the face.

"Wow, thanks!" Peter says, putting the tip of the scepter against the alien's head to use the mind stone against it.

Wanda and Sam land about 10 yards from Thanos' ship. 2014 Thanos is sitting on a rock on the ground in front of the entrance to the ship. Wanda raises the Gauntlet and points it at 2014 Thanos but Sam puts one arm out in front of her and she slowly lowers her hand.

"How did you get here?" Sam asks 2014 Thanos. 2014 Thanos smiles and takes a breath, looking around him at the sky and city. A hoard of Wakandan soldiers runs past from the direction of the city and towards the battle.

"Just the same way as you," 2014 Thanos smiles. Wanda raises the gauntlet again, her hand shaking a little and her face convulsed with anger.

"You took everything from me," Wanda snarls.

"I don't even know who you are," 2014 Thanos replies, standing and picking up his double edged sword that was lodged in the ground.

"You will," Wanda assures him. She rips the gauntlet off and throws it to Sam who catches it and flies away towards the rest of the battle. Wanda flies at Thanos, making debris from the ground, surrounded in red energy, rain down on him.

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