Chapter 11: Flaws

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Empty alley in New York 2012...

"We need people they won't know. People who could believably interns or visitors. Not me," Hank Pym tells Scott, Hope, Sam and Peter.

"We'll see you in a minute," Sam nods to Hank; who hesitates. "Don't worry about us, we got it covered," Sam reassures. Hank nods and looks to Hope. Hope nods and gives him a little smile. Hank takes a deep breath and presses down on his button to return to the future.

"Wait do I get to come?" Peter asks excitedly. Sam smiles a little and lets out a chuckle.

"Yeah kid, you're coming, your age might actually prove an asset on this mission." Sam answers.

"Do you think we have enough time for me to get a slice before we go?" Scott asks the group, gesturing in the direction of the pizza place.

"Scott, we have time machines, time isn't the concern," Hope replies, "your understanding of what is and isn't appropriate at different times... now that is a concern."

Meanwhile on Knowhere at the Collector's Museum...

"You said it yourself, Steve will come back when the snap happens, Vis won't. If you just take the stone back, everyone will get what they want. How is that selfish? I'm not stopping you from using the stones to snap everyone back? I'm telling you, you should do that," Wanda pleads. Bucky stares at her in silence. "Just take it," Wanda whispers, pushing the Aether against Bucky's chest. He does not react at all. They stare into one another's eyes, Wanda begging as hers fill with tears; while Bucky stays emotionless. Bucky shakes his head slowly and takes Wanda's hand that holds the Aether and places her hand into her pocket.

"I'm not letting you do that Wanda," Bucky deadpans. "You're coming back with me and with the stone."

"You. You of all people. You should understand," Wanda spits out with anger; tears streaming down her face. "Try and tell me that when you found out time travel existed, that you would have access to it; try and tell me you didn't think about using it to go back. Tell me you don't wish you could relive your life differently. Not let Steve stay in the ice for 70 years, never get on that train, never become the Winter Soldier. Live, just live your life the way it should have been." Bucky's lip quivers and he pushes Wanda away from him as he takes a shaky step backwards, eyes never straying from her face. She doesn't break eye contact either. Bucky takes an apprehensive step forward, and then another. He takes Wanda's hand that does not have the Aether. Her eyebrows furrow.

"Just come back first," Bucky suggests. "After we snap everyone back; then maybe... maybe you could... we'll see what happens after that. We might even be able to use the stones to bring Vision back... I don't know. But I can't go back without you." Wanda searches his eyes and then looks down at her feet, taking a heaving breath. She looks up and nods. Bucky sighs and smiles the tiniest smile.

"No! Wait! That is mine!" The Collector shouts, throwing a rock at them. Without even looking in his direction, Wanda stops the rock in midair with magic and lets it float to the ground. Bucky shoots a box that's a few feet away from The Collector and it explodes, sending The Collector rolling away coughing. Bucky and Wanda press down on their buttons at the same time to return to the future.

Meanwhile on Morag...

"Gamora," Quill whispers to himself as he looks up at 2014 Thanos' ship, mouth open in awe. 

What If... the other 50% were snapped?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang