Chapter 6: A Map of Stones Through Time

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At Citadel in Wakanda...

Shuri is at the head of the table moving things around on the hologram for everyone else at the table to see. T'Challa sits at the end opposite Shuri. Wanda, Sam, Bucky, Peter, Fury, and Hill sit on the left side. Hope, Scott, Hank, Janet, Quill, Drax, and Mantis sit on the right. Dr. Strange stands in the corner of the room, behind and to the left of Shuri, staring at the hologram like everyone else. Groot is slumped against the wall behind the guardians playing a video game with headphones on.

"So if we send a team to New York in 2012 the Mind Stone, Space Stone, and Time Stone will all be there." Shuri says while moving things around on the hologram to illustrate her point. "Then we send another team to 2014 in space. The Power Stone will be on Morag where 2014 Quill is trying to get it, the Soul Stone will be on Vormir and the Reality Stone will of course be on Knowhere with the collector because some idiot Thunder dude thought that was a good hiding place. Any questions?"

"Oh so many," Sam says under his breath. Shuri looks around; everyone has a similar silent dumbfounded look on their face.

"Great!" says Shuri. "Well everyone knows what they need to do, Hank, Janet, let's go put the finishing touches on the science of time travel!"

"What is my life?" Sam laughs as Hank and Janet follow Shuri out of the room.


T'Challa is standing at the head of the table moving things around in the hologram, Dr. Strange is standing to his left; staring intently at it, clearly thinking. Wanda, Sam, and Bucky are sitting on the right side of the table, staring intensely at the hologram. Fury, Hill, Hope, Scott, and Quill sit on the left also staring intently at the hologram. Drax is on the left side of the table too but he is fast asleep, head leaning back. Peter, Mantis, and Groot are playing a video game together in the corner of the room. The hologram shows: New York 2012: Mind Stone, Space Stone, Time Stone. 2014: Power Stone on Morag, Soul Stone on Vormir, Reality Stone on Knowhere. There is also a hologram picture of everyone in the room. Dr. Strange's picture is underneath "Time Stone."

"I'm fine with fighting 2014 me for the stone. Really. I'd rather it was me and not someone else for that matter," Quill tells a hesitant looking T'Challa. T'Challa nods and sighs a little and moves Quill's picture to underneath "Power Stone on Morag."

"I assume you'll want to take your little family as well?" T'Challa asks Quill, gesturing in the direction of sleeping Drax and then Mantis and Groot playing in the corner. Quill opens his mouth, closes it and nods. T'Challa moves their pictures on the hologram to be beside Quill's. "I know you are protective over you ship, and another team will need to take it, would you feel comfortable with Shuri and I? As you've seen she's quite adept with technology." Quill's face scrunches up as he thinks of someone else flying his ship, then slowly he nods.

"Alright. But Princess better be the one flying it," Quill tells T'Challa. T'Challa's eyebrows raise a little at Quill's tone but he nods and moves his and Shuri's pictures to underneath "Soul Stone on Vormir."

"Who else can fly a spaceship? We'll need a team to take the Benatr's auxiliary pod to Knowhere from Morag." no one responds. Everyone looks at one another. Wanda stands.

"I can fly it," Wanda announces. Everyone looks at her.

"What?" Sam asks. Wanda raises her hand, a red glowing ball of energy filling it. She gestures towards an empty chair and makes it zoom over the heads of everyone before landing back where it was before.

"No," Quill says. "No, you're not doing that to my ship. I need someone who actually knows how to pilot it, not some red magic lady to make it move. That does not count as knowing how to fly a ship," Quill explains smugly. He leans back in his chair, observing the others. Everyone turns to glare at him

"You want your girlfriend back?" Bucky asks Quill. Quill sits up in his seat.

"I- yeah of course!"

"Sounds great, count me in," Bucky says to Wanda. Quill looks open-mouthed between Bucky and Wanda and T'Challa. T'Challa moves Wanda and Bucky's names under "Reality Stone on Knowhere."

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