Chapter 20: Attack on Wayne Enterprises

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Knightcrawler: *comms* Yeah I managed to see her once, but Bruce told me to back off, I barely about her being honest.

Alfred puts a recording of Batman/Bruce Wayne on the screen.

Bruce: Investigative report on Batwoman, aka Katherine Kane.

Batman: Katey?

Knightcrawler: *comms* Kate Kane... isn't she Bruce's cousin?

Robin: You know her?

Bruce: Her father is Colonel Jacob Kane. Military intelligence. On Katherine's 12th birthday, she and her twin sister Elizabeth were abducted, along with their mother, Gabrielle, and held for ransom. Colonel Kane led a rescue mission that saved Kate's life. But in the attempt both Gabrielle and Elizabeth were murdered. She would follow in her father's footsteps, enrolling at West Point, but ultimately expelled. Something broke inside Kate. Two years later, Katherine emerged as Batwoman. She's impressive, but her methods make her a danger to this city. And to herself. It's time for me to decide if I'm going to take her under my wing... or take her down.

Knightcrawler: *comms* Now that's another origin story for my book, still I feel sorry.

Batman: Poor Katey. It always begins with death. Doesn't it, Alfred?

Alfred: I'm as astonished as you are, Master Dick.

Robin: Anyone mind filling me in? How do you know her?

Batman: I just do.

Orphan: Let's move.

Knightcrawler nods and sits in the Knight-cycle and revs up just to drive away. Batman follows him until Knightcrawler yawns as Orphan looks at him.

Orphan: Tired?

Knightcrawler: A bit. *sees a small bakery* I'm gonna do something risky.

Orphan sees the cafeteria as well as Batman.

Batman: Oh hell no! You're not doing what I think you're doing!

Knightcrawler: Uh huh!

He hops off the motorcycle which he already parked it. He gets off, takes the mask off and puts a trench coat on also taking his gloves off.

Y/N: So anyone wants something?

Batman: You have to be kidding me.

Y/N: Look Grayson, Bruce is missing, there's barely crime around here somehow, and we haven't taken a break yet, plus you pulling me from Thailand to Gotham is a big BS so I deserve this.

He was about to walk inside until Orphan grabs his wrist.

Orphan: A donut.

Y/N: *looks at Batman* See Dick? A lady asked for something. Chivalry isn't dead at all.


Scene changes to Orphan who had her mask up to her nose and Y/N drinking coffee.

Batman: I can't believe this is happening.

Robin: You tell me.

Y/N finishes his coffee and throws it to the trash.

Y/N: All set!

Orphan lowers her mask showing no trace of a donut as Y/N puts the mask again and gets in the bike.

Batman: You know this is the worst time to do that.

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