Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

'Maybe I should sleep,' admitted Tom mentally. He sighed and lay back, shutting his eyes. It took him a while but he managed to finally rest.

Over an hour had passed. The Hogwarts Express was now set to leave. A loud whistle of smoke came out from the front of it, the shrill screech echoing across the platform. Tom awoke with a start. He hadn't slept much but it was better than nothing. He was used to little sleep anyway and it didn't help that he had strong insomnia. In all truthfulness, Tom was relieved he'd managed to get any sleep whatsoever. He rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't know why but it ached. His body had been feeling stiff in general recently. Tom wondered if it was the drugs. He didn't care then. He looked out of the window. There were definitely people out there but he barely made out anything but faint silhouettes. The mist was still veiling everything. But the train was moving now anyways so it didn't matter much. Tom yawned and stretched his arms. He was getting too big for these compartments. He'd somehow grown even more in this last summer holiday.

'How was that even possible?' Tom asked himself, 'Maybe I am a giant...' he yawned again. His eyes were full of sleep, "Or maybe I'm just a freak," he whispered unknowingly out loud. He lay back again. The Hogwarts Express was now comfortably out of the station. Maybe he'd be able to get some more sleep now. Unless someone disturbed this compartment. Tom's eyes shifted to the door and regarded it with a cold glare. He hoped they wouldn't. He put his hands behind his neck. Maybe if he lay on something his neck wouldn't be so achy. Yeah that's why his body ached. Not because of the drugs. Definitely not because of the drugs. He exhaled solemnly. What a tiresome year this was going to be.

"And I'm not going to do it anymore!" Tom heard a distant voice from outside his compartment. It was far away so it was probably at the end of the carriage.

"I can't! I can't!" the voice was far away and Tom couldn't make out who it was or most of the words they were saying. He shouldn't care anyway. It wasn't any of his business. He tried to ignore it.

Then there were stomps. Another voice was speaking back. More voices were speaking back. It was an argument, that's for sure. He still couldn't really make out who it was between. There were more stomps. They were getting closer. They stopped. They seemed like they were right outside Tom's compartment. And then one final yell.

"And I won't-"

The compartment door flung open and there stood Alannah Estevan. Tom's glare hardened even more. The voice, which Tom now had figured out belonged to Alannah, stopped immediately. Alannah's face went pale. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened slightly. Her body completely froze with fear. Tom just sat there, glaring at her. After what, in reality was only a few seconds but felt much longer, Tom finally moved. With tired, regular movements he walked over to the door, Alannah taking an instinctive step back as he advanced.

"-I-" she opened her mouth to speak but stopped herself. She looked absolutely scared to the bone. Tom ignored it. He ignored her. And then, still maintaining eye contact, pulled the door back shut casually. Alannah was left still frozen on the other side. Tom saw her shadow through the door still standing there. And then another shadow joined her. Tom recognised his voice instantly as Charlie.

"Are you done yet you bitch?" Tom heard a muffled smacking and a yelp from Alannah, "Get back over here and stop making a commotion. You'll apologise when we get back to Aubyn."
Tom heard Charlie grab onto Alannah and pull her alongside him.

All she let out was a weak and submissive, "Yes..."

Tom looked back away from the door, his expression still unchanging. He was definitely right. It wasn't any of his business.

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