Chapter 1

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This is my first book, so please don't hate and also nashi's 11 about to turn 12. She looks the same in the media but she doesn't have the fairy tail guild mark yet.




Nashi POV

Ring, ring

Stupid  loud alarm clock don't you know I was having good dream and sleep. Hi my name is Nashi heart, with pink shoulder length hair, big chest, short like 4'10, brown eyes   ,and dumb. I put the covers over my head because I don't want to go to school . "Nashi dear get up you have school" my mom said down stairs "shit, why do I have to go to school " I said to myself "how many times have I told you no cursing  Nashi " my mom said at doorway. I thought she was downstairs. Before she left she said "Hurry up your going to be late to school" . I went to my personal bathroom and took a shower, brushed my teeth, and hair.I decided to put it in  ponytail, after I hurried up and put some clothes on.

I decided to put it in  ponytail, after I hurried up and put some clothes on

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I went downstairs praying to Mavis that I did my homework and didn't leave it at school

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I went downstairs praying to Mavis that I did my homework and didn't leave it at school . When I smelled my mom's pancakes I hurried in the kitchen and sat down. "Good morning nashi'' " Good morning mom". I hurried up and stuffed my pancakes in my mouth and grabbed my backpack and said goodbye to my mom and sprinted to school. School is hell to me. I have to deal with bullying and no friends  because I have no dad and every time I want to know about him I  bring it up to my mom she about to cry, so I stop asking even though I still want to know about my dad, but my love for my mom is greater then my curiosity . When I got to school I went straight to English class.

(Time skip to free period ) Who likes reading about school , no offense to people who do.

 My bully yuki came and said  " hey fatherless freak" I ignored him " Hey you better not be ignoring me freak '' " go to hell" I told him " well at least I have dad that wanted me'' " shut up" yuki ignored me " well soon your mom going to leave and you will die lonely or you can just kill your self so you won't have to experience that" " I said shut up" he also  ignored me again  he started to talk again "If your dad left you soon your moms going to leave you with another man like the slut she is". Nobody talks about my mom like that so I punched him in the nose and sent him in wall you could literally hear a crack .Every student was in the hallway teachers were sprinting to get here, yuki was knocked out. I looked at my hands  "NASHI HEART COME TO THE PRINCIPAL OFFICE" The principal yelled like an idiot. I walked to the principal's office when I got there. She was on the phone, maybe she was on the phone with my mom. I put my hands in the pocket of my overall shorts with my thumb sticking out, Then I heard a WHAT. Oh shit i'm in big trouble.

Lucy POV (same Time as nashi went the principal office)

My phone starts ring's I checked the caller ID and It was nashi's school    

" Hello is this nashi mom"


"Nashi punched boy named yuki and now he has  third degree burn. I need you come to the school"

"WHAT, i'll be there soon".

I can't believe she punched someone she's just like him.

At The School

 When I walked in the school I went straight to the principal's office. I saw nashi sink into her chair. I took a seat next to her and the principal started to talk. "So nashi punched somebody his name is yuki and now he has a third degree burn. Does any of her relatives have magic?" "yes. Her dad has magic" I said nashi looked at me shocked. " Miss. Heart nashi will be suspended for 2 weeks. If that all get out my offices". (Well he is Rude)

Nashi POV

My mom talked little about my dad. My mom started to talk and walk "nashi what the hell were you thinking" mom sounded pissed as she said that " you punched a yuki I know he bullies you, but why?" She continued. " he said some stuff about you" "what did he say" mom asked with curiously and little bit of anger. " he said that you leave just like dad did with another man and forget about me ". I left the other part out about him calling her slut because she was boiling with anger " sweetheart I would never leave you never and your father didn't leave us I left he was in love with someone else" I was angry not at my dad at the person he is in love with she or him I don't judge. If I ever see he or she I will kick there sorry ass . " mom can you tell me something about him" she hesitated a little " your dad was a complete idiot and dense like rock" I laughed at that I guess that were I got my dumbness from " he had this grin that would make my heart flutter and make me smile, you  even have that same grin you remind me so much of him with your  grin, hair, and attitude". I was about to say something else but we made it home. The weird thing was the door was open. Mom always closes the door.

Lucy POV

No, no. They can't be here yet "nashi get behind me" I demanded " why?" She asked " Do it" I demanded again. This time she went behind me " mom what going on" I didn't answer she was clinging on to the back of my shirt . I walked forward and went in side the house and it was a mess with side of big fat ugly men. "Hello Miss.lucy heartfilia" " My mom name isn't Lucy heartfilia it's Lucy heart" Nashi why did you talk. "I didn't know you had daughter. Who is the father of this abomination?!"he yelled at me, but I didn't care about that he called my daughter abomination. I got out my keys from my skinny jeans pocket "l call upon the maid, Virgo. Virgo take Nashi and my key and go to fairy tail" as turned into my star dress Virgo form and started fighting. I kicked one right in the face, but Bedford I could punch the guy someone grabbed me by the neck and was thrown into a wall. I kept on fighting.

Nashi POV

My mom just summoned a girl with maid outfit and short pink hair I learned that her name is Virgo . She took my had and we ran to the stairs. We got to my room  and the Virgo lady dug a hole in my closet and then she gave me the keys that my mom had used she started to talk " stay here and don't leave until I come back " then she left. I heard screams glass shattering ,then everything with silent I waited. Until there was light foot steps I was terrified. The closet door flow open it was Virgo " young princess you can come out" she had sad smile on her face " is my mom okay"she stayed silent. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hole. I had bad feeling as we went down the stairs. What I saw was reason to throw up. 


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