Always there when you need us Part 2

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Part 2 just for winchesteratheart !! SO SORRY ITS 24 HOURS LATE I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT I HAD AN AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY YESTERDAY! This is kinda a record though, quickest chapter I've ever written! Normally takes me ages. Anyways, enjoy!

Word Count: 2659

"Damian! You have to apologise to Dick!" Bruce was very annoyed. His son was good at fighting, but had absolutely zero social and conversational skills.

"If you explain to me why I have to apologise, father, then maybe I will!"

If looks could kill, Damian Wayne would be dead. Jason and Tim had gone upstairs to check on Dick and now Bruce was left alone, having to deal with his badly mannered child. Alfred was going to a family funeral in England. He was usually the one who helped deal with his children's behaviour.

"Damian go over what you said."

"I told Grayson that he was a disgrace and a burden and should have died with his family."

"Yes you did. What do you think is wrong about that sentence?" Hopefully they were getting somewhere.

"I did not make any grammatical mistake, father, what does that have to do with Grayson?"

Bruce nearly facepalmed. He had forgotten that he was dealing with an 11-year-old child here.


"Dick, do you want to watch a movie?" Jason asked as he walked back into the room. Tim was cuddling with Dick on his bed. Their eldest brother had always loved and craved affection.

Dick nodded enthusiastically. His face was less-red now and his eyes had a slightly happier twinge to them. He really did love his brothers.

"Alrighty. So we have a choice. Dick is picking, obviously."

"No arguments here." Tim added. Jason raised an eyebrow at him.

"Thank you for your very necessary contribution to the conversation Timbo." Tim grinned sheepishly.

Dick rubbed his hands together excitedly. "Okay, so what are the choices?"

Jason pulled a stack of DVDs out of a box near the tv in Dick's room. "Hmm Lion King-no absolutely not." He quickly shoved that one to the bottom of the pile before anyone could protest. They did not need Dick having another breakdown about his parents. Twice in the same day would be very unlucky. The anniversary of their death was approaching rapidly as well, and Dick was always miserable that time of year.

"Okay, so the options are:" he held out three different movies, introducing them one at a time. "Spiderman: Homecoming. IT. Or Divergent."

"Hmmm." Dick thought for a moment. "What's IT about?"

"It's a horror movie, Dickie."

"Okay... well how about we watch IT then?"

"Alright." Jason opened up the cover and placed the disc into the DVD player.

"Are you sure?" Tim added cautiously. "IT's a pretty scary movie... I watched it with Steph and Babs a while ago and even I was freaked out."

"You don't have to watch Timbo. Plus, we're vigilantes for gods sake. A little horror movie won't scare us."

"Okay..." Tim sounded unsure.


"Damian, what do we always say about killing?"

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