( To U.A)

Kirishima, Mina & Deku sitting in the dorms lobby. Kirishima telling Deku about the previous fight between Bakugou & Shinso while Mina is on her phone to herself, but she's lowkey listening.

"And that's when Y/n stops Bakugou's blast!" Kirishima said with disbelief. Deku's eyes widened. "It may be shocking but that's amazing!! She was able to aim Bakugou's explosions in different directions!" Deku said as he suddenly starts to mutter to himself.

"Hey, has anyone seen Y/n?"

the 3 looks over to see Todoroki walking down the stairs. "No, I haven't" Deku shook his head and Mina did the same. "I haven't seen Y/n since the fight" Kirishima shrugged. "She was supposed to come back to my room but she never did, and she's not answering her calls" Todoroki sighed. "That's strange" kirishima said, Mina agreed. "Did you try knocking at her door?" Deku questioned. "That's the first thing I did but no response." Todoroki said. Deku puts his hand under his chin and starts to think, until Bakugou come walking in.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima called. Deku looks over at Bakugou. "Kacchan, have you seen Y/n? Todoroki is looking for her and she's no where to be found." Bakugou held up a shattered screen phone which seems to be Y/n's, everyone stood in shock but Todoroki rushes towards Bakugou and grabs him by his shirt.

"What did you do to her?!" Todoroki shouts. Bakugou eyes widened slightly. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO-" Todoroki begins but gets cut off as Bakugou pulls him off harshly. "HAH?! I didn't do anything to her, I found her phone outside after she ran passed me earlier you dumbass!!!" Bakugou growls loudly. Todoroki stood there in shock then went back to his nonchalant expression. "My apologies" He suddenly says. "What was she running for?" Kirishima said. "How should I know shitty hair?" Bakugou growls.

"Y-YOU GUYS!" Mina suddenly shouts. The boys looks over at her quick. "Look!!" Mina said as she held her phone out for them to see. It's showing the breaking news of a house caught on fire. everyone froze. "That....that looks like.....Y/n house!" Kirishima said. Todoroki, Bakugou and Deku looks at each other in shock then rushes out the dorm in unison.

(Back to Y/n)

Y/n slowly gets up as her ears ringing from the sudden explosion. She lifts her head up to see the house bursting in flames. Her legs starts to shake but couldn't move an inch, thinking is this really happening. Her eyes starts to water up until...


"Mom?!....MOM!!" Y/n shouts before charging through the Red flames where the front door used to be. Everything in the house is covered in flames and with the thick smoke raising from the fire, Y/n could barely see. "Mom! Mom, where are you?!" She called. "I'm over here!" Her mom shouts. Y/n looks over at her mom in a distance, her mom laying on the floor. "Mom!" She shouts as she rushes to her mom.

"Y/n, I'm stuck! When the explosion happened the ceiling collapsed on my legs!" Her mom explained. "Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here!" Y/n reassured. Y/n grabs ahold of the ceiling and tries to lift it, but it was heavy. "C'mon!" She pants. Parts of the house starts to collapse more, which startled Y/n and her mom. "Shit, I'm not strong enough to lift this!" Y/n thought. She have to try her Telekinesis, but she's still not that good with lifting huge objects yet.

Y/n takes a deep breath, hold out her hands and starts to use her Telekinesis. The piece of the ceiling starts to lift an inch off of her mom put stood in place. "N-no!....c'mon!" Y/n grits her teeth. The ceiling slowly went back down as Y/n collapse onto the floor. "FUCK!!" She screamed in her thoughts.

"It's okay....I-if you can't do it Y/n" her mom said. She smiled weakly at y/n. "I....I can't move my legs so I'll only weigh you down. What matters is that you tried." She continued. Y/n stares at her in shock. She's giving up, she's actually losing hope now. "The house is going to break down if you don't—"


Y/n stood up high and clenches her fists. "I'm not leaving you here, I'll die before I let that happen!" Y/n said as she holds her hands out once more. She could hear her mom's low gasp as she starts to use her Telekinesis again. The piece of the ceiling raises a little higher off her mom's legs from before but it still stood in place, not going neither up or down.

"Cmon, lift.....lift!" Y/n chanted. Y/n starts to feel a sudden headache. "M-my head..." she panted. Y/n tries to bear the pain and keeps putting her all into her quirk. However, the ceiling still wouldn't move. "I....I don't think I could...." Y/n begins but trails off when she remembers a similar time.

"You're straining your brain with thoughts, if you're able to clear your head maybe you'll able to come up with solutions for your quirk!!"

"Kacchan...." Y/n whispered. She sheds a tear as her eyes glows (F/C), Y/n grits her teeth and raise her hands higher and continues to use her quirk. "Maybe it's not about the height right now....but the direction!!" Y/n shouts as she suddenly tosses the piece of ceiling through the wall with her quirk, creating a exit out of the house.

Her mom looks at Y/n in awe then smiled weakly before going unconscious. Y/n quickly carries her mom in her arms and rushes out of the house before it collapse completely. Y/n looks around to see a huge crowd cheering at her, an medics rushes to Y/n and took her mom to check on her. Y/n place her hand on her forehead. "Hey are you okay? You need to sit down" The nurse said with concern. "N-no I'm okay, I just..." Y/n couldn't finish her sentence as her vision starts to go black. The crowd gasps as Y/n suddenly blacks out, collapsing on the ground.

Bakugou, Deku & Todoroki arrived at the scene of the aftermath, the boys pushes their way through the crowd until the reaches to the front. "Y/n!" Deku gasped. Todoroki & Bakugou looks over and spots Y/n collapsed on the ground while the medics checking on her.

"Y/n!!" Bakugou shouts

This is the end of Chapter 16 😬

Wow....that's all I can say about this one. I was literally writing this while holding my breath, that's how intense this chapter is!

Music definitely helped me out as well, especially when Y/n remembered what Bakugou said about clearing her head. So fucking good! 😩

It's not time to breathe yet though so....don't say I didn't warn ya!

Also, we're getting super close to the kiss, I can't wait 😜

But until then...

Stay Beautiful 👑

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