Chapter 31

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"Yes, the person your looking for is still here"

Next Day!

"You did what?!" Deku exclaimed. You told Deku and Shouto what happened last night during math class with Ectoplasm. He was writing on the board for notes so you decided to share your crazy events to your close friends.

"Not going to lie're hardheaded" Todoroki said nonchalantly. "Hardhea- Shouto when did you start using words like that?!" You replied, feeling flabbergasted. Todoroki looks ahead and didn't say anything else but tap his pencil against his desk. You squint your eyes at him and smack your lips.

He be around you too damn much.

"Anyways, I got caught by the security and boy was I giving a run for his moneyyyy!" You said in goofy manner. Todoroki made a snickering sound, trying not to laugh and Deku covers his mouth as his face begins to turn a slight pink.

"Poor security guard, I was breaking all kinds of ankles in those hallways" you continued and Todoroki begins to bang against the desk lightly while trying to keep his composure. "I swear I wasn't about to let that man get me" you chuckled lowly. Deku eyes starts to water while he's breathing hard. He's trying so hard not to bust out laughing.

You waited until the three of y'all calm down from the tension of snickering and wheezing before continuing on with the story from last night.

"Y'all, I got cornered right? Thinking I was about to get caught up but then Kacchan ended up saving me" you whispered. Todoroki and Deku looked at each other then looked at you with wide eyes in unison.

"Kacchan was there?!" Deku exclaimed.

"Right, what time this was?" Todoroki said in a slick but joking kind of way.

"Pfft, stop Shouto." You snickered.

"Continue..." Deku said, lowkey too interested in the story now.

"Hold on" You whispered. The two nods and the group got quiet as they resume to the lesson for a bit like nothing happened. Didn't want to eventually get pointed out for talking in class.

After 15 mins in you continued the story.

"So Kacchan saved my ass right? And I didn't know it was him at first because he yanked me into a different hallway so fast. Like, it was dark and everything." You whispered. "I bet you was freaking out" Todoroki whispered back. "Man what?!" You said as a confirmation. Deku looking ahead but still was listening to the conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2023 ⏰

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