"Only one question out of two will be answered?", Yein asked. "This is what's gonna happened. You will pick which question to answer, but you wil re-fold the unanswered question again and put it back on this ballot later after everyone has stated their answers."

The class goes, "oooohhhhh." I chuckled at them and shook the box to hype them up. "You can line up now. Remember to keep the unanswered question a secret just in case it's a bad question and you have the chance to change your faith.", I teased them.

Once each one of them had their questions and had read them already, I picked the last two for myself. "Okay, I'll start so you can follow my example later on." I picked which question to answer so I folded the other one and placed it back on the ballot box.

"The question is, what is your relationship status?", I said. The other question was far worse because it was asking me if I've ever considered doing sexual activities with the same sex for experiment and experience.

"I'm single.", I answered. "We can change that.", Miyeon commented with a wink and the class went wild. "I'm not interested in my student, I'm sorry. As long as you're labeled as my student, I will continue to see you as either my son or my daughter.", I told them.

"Denied.", Seokmin announced playfully and it gave a laugh on most students. "Are there any volunteers? You will have to come up here in front to answer and to return the other question on this ballot.", I told them.

The whole three hours until lunch was spent answering questions and getting to know each other better. Luckily, they all finished answering before lunch.

They all went out to lunch and I came to clean up a bit and erase the board. After that, I sat back down on my desk and pulled out my lunchbox.

I specifically don't like the food in the cafeteria. Hoseok hyung likes it, but it's not to my taste. As if on que, Hoseok hyung barges in. "You're really gonna eat alone? You didn't even come ro the faculty office yesterday. I was waiting for you."

"I treated the kids to lunch yesterday.", I told him and he frowned at me. "Why are you so obsessed on working with these students. They're no-", he was about to say but I was glaring at him.

"Excuse me? They are wonderful. We're having fun getting to know each other. Only one student hasn't attended since yesterday.", I told him our homeroom accomplishments.

He was shut by that. "Really? I'm having a hard time believing you. I barely have 70% attendance on my class.", he said and he's still discriminating them.

I sighed at him. "They aren't bad at all. Teachers just don't believe on their capabilities in the first place and so that discourages them to continue coming to school. Almost no one sees the light that only shines above those discrimination.", I poetically said and he was clapping.

"And I have no reason to lie to you.", I added. "So you're saying that you tamed them on the first day?", he asked. "There's no taming needed.", I told him. I'm proud of them for attending.

"And as much as possible, I don't like voicing out my comparisons.", I told him. I know what it is like to be compared to someone you couldn't reach. We argued a little, but we ended up eating together.

He dragged me to the cafeteria and my students waved at me. I felt like a celebrity when I waved back with a smile. Hoseok hyung has sat me in place and he was to get his food.

I opened my lunchbox and hummed. I like what I cooked this morning. I made some egg kimbaps in kimchi rice. I started eating when Hoseok hyung sat on his place.

I ate a little bit faster than usual because I need to get back before lunch ends. I was looking at my watch from time to time. 5 minutes before time, I cleared my table and stood up.

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