Endless Thoughts And Regrets

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No One's POV

The rest of the flight back home was full of silence only broken by tears. The limp bodies of Dart's brothers and Hiccup's sons have faded into nothing but dust being teleported to the Dragon Graveyard.

Hiccup's eyes were wide in shock and terror, as if replaying the same moment of their death over and over again. As for Dart, she was in utter shock. Her brothers, her closest friends were gone, just like that, and she blamed herself for that.

She didn't know how exactly they died, and didn't want to ask her father as he was already too terrified to even make a noise. But she felt even more guilt for the fact that they would never see each other grow up, learn to fly, go on dangerous missions or even see if their mother and father made it back to each other again.

There would also be no more begging for more stories, going on secret flights on Uncle Toothless and Uncle Couldjumper, no more looking at sunsets and sunrises together... No more doing anything together! 

More tears sprang in her eyes. She was on her own, no more siblings together, or brothers and a sister together. It was just her in this dangerous world. 

Sudden rage lit up in her. It was their fault. The hunters' fault. Not her fault, not her father's fault, but their fault. They killed them, and they would pay dearly for that. She wanted to just turn around and scratch their evil faces with her tiny claws. But she couldn't. Not when her family needed her, but one day, they would pay for this. For the murder of her brothers.

Soon, the two were in reach of the Dragon Graveyard. It was the last place they wanted to be in, but it was like something was pulling them there, though it was more like someone.

In a couple of minutes, they landed at the same small clearing they were at when they were returning home from the Rookery, and even that brought back memories. From then, it was several hours of silent walking, looking out for their beloved. They have been flying a whole day and only landed there at around Sunrise of the next.

Hiccup's and Dart's legs and wings were sore, and in pain, but yet it would not compare to the pain they felt mentally. (I am so close to tears at this point while writing this chapter)

Though soon, they stumbled across a few of the Night Furies in a battle position, surrounding two small shapes lying curled up in another clearing. 

Hiccup, slowly padded over to his sons. He sat down, closed his eyes and touched his muzzle against Ruffruner's head. Dart followed him, though this time, curling up in the middle, between her bothers, their cold stone scales touching her small and tired body. After all the events she passed through the last three days, she couldn't even keep her eyes open, before darkness overtook her.                                                                                                                         

Time skip... 

Something nudged Dart awake and she slowly opened her eyes. Around her was a field of endless mist. The statues and the calming sound of the ocean was gone. Instead it was just faint light coming from the silver mist. 

She looked up and saw her father nudging her and she blinked again, then a thought came to her that she was trapped again. She quickly stood u[ though all she could see was her dad, a starry sky above her, and a tree.

Suddenly, two small shapes came out from the shadows of the tree, their scales shining under the starlight sky. Soon, Hiccup and Dart realized it was Ruffruner and Pouncer, their wide blue and green eyes shining with the same playfulness and curiosity as before.

"How, but I-" Hiccup couldn't continue as he broke into small tears. "I am so sorry!" He cried out, though Pouncer and Ruffruner kept the same smile and eyes as before. "There is nothing to forgive. This is the last time we will see you. Family hug?" Hiccup opened his wings. "Come here you three." His kids ran into the safety of their father's wings and hugged each other. 

"Your mother would be proud of you. All of you." Hiccup whispered. A loud roar erupted around the clearing and Ruffruner and Pouncer disappeared into thin air. More loud roars were heard and two huge scaly legs with claws came slowly marching in with a loud thump each time it stepped onto the ground. 

Hiccup and Dart looked up in horror as one of the big legs revealed to have claws outstretched  and was slowly coming down on them. Hiccup covered Dart with his wings and closed his eyes before the big leg stepped down on them and ice overtook them.

Dart jolted awake. The sun was rising, and when she looked around frantically, she was back in the Dragon graveyard between her brothers. Just a nightmare she thought, however, when she looked at her father, he was breathing heavily and had horror in his eyes. He slowly looked over to her.

"Did you also see it? Ruffruner and Pouncer, and then the monster?" He asked her with a tone of voice she didn't understand. She looked hesitant before finally answering "Yes. What was that monster?" Hiccup looked confused before the answer hit him, hard. "No, no, it can't be. Unless..." He whispered under his breath.

"Dad?" He didn't reply and kept on whispering under his breath. "Dad?" She asked again but a bit louder this time, still no reply. "Dad!" Shouted Dart when finally Hiccup jolted from his trance. "Sorry.. The monster is a dragon. I am guessing a Bewilderbeast. But it doesn't make sence. Come on, we have to get back home. I will carry you." Dart wanted to protest but then realized it had no point so she just jumped on the back of her father and they took off.

By the time the sun was in the middle of the sky, they reached the island. They could see Astrid walking back and fourth in her dragon form talking to Heather when suddenly "Look Astrid! It's them!" Astrid frantically looked up and sighed in relief though that turned into worry when she saw Dart on his back.

As Hiccup landed, Astrid ran over to him to touch her muzzle with his but he didn't return the gesture. "What's wrong?" She asked. He hanged his head low and small tears appeared again. "They're dead. Ruffruner and Pouncer are dead."


(talking while bandaging her arms from the run of the previous chapter) So, how is everyone? ................. You are still angry at me, aren't you? Well, like I said twice before, there is only one death to go through, plus at least it's not Hiccup or Astrid? Although, now that I am thinking about it....... kidding! (or not) Ok, seriously though, kidding. Also, ever wonder what happened to that king of dragons in the egg at the end of Rtte season 6? Well, surprise! We have a villain cameo! 

The book is coming close to an end. Next chapter will be full Hiccstrid chapter and then the Battle will be at least 3 to 6 parts long, and then one more chapter, then an epilogue to completely end the book, and then I am saying goodbye :(Also...

Thank you so much for 7k reads😍😍 Never in a million years I though we would reach such a high number! Thank you all sooooooooooo much!!

Peace out,


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