You're Alive?!

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6 years later

No One's POV

Stoick, the teens and Gobber were sailing outside the archipelago. They all wanted to avenge the young Shield maiden and the Heir of Berk. So every winter, about two weeks before Snoggletog, they sat sail to find the Night fury and kill it on sight.

Stoick was standing at the nose of the ship with a determined look on his face. Gobber was looking out on the left side of the ship while the teens were looking out on the right side. Suddenly, they heard roars above, and looked up. Dragons, many dragons were flying over them, different colours and sizes. Some species they didn't recognize.

"Prepare bows and arrows, Gobber, get your axe!" Stoick shouted out orders and everyone complied with no hesitation. Little did they know, this was a dreadful mistake. Just before they were ready to shoot, they felt claws on their shoulders. They wanted to attack the beasts, but it was too late. They were now high above the sea. Stoick looked up to shout some insults at the demon that was carrying him but froze once he saw a saddle, and most surprisingly a human in green armour matching the dragon. 

The others also looked up at their capturers and were beyond shocked. Two of the dragons didn't have saddles nor riders but it looked like they were with the people who captured the Berkians. "Who are you and what do you need from us?!" Stoick shouted. The riders didn't pay attention. "Answer me this instant, I am Stoick the Vast, Chief of-" Stoick never got to finish the sentence. The rider on the blue and yellow Nadder finished it for him "Berk". The dragons stopped and everyone starred at the Nadder rider. 

The female rider took off her helmet to reveal blonde hair running till her chest and ocean blue eyes. Ruffnut gasped. "Astrid?" She nodded in reply. "It can't be.... You're dead, How...How is this possible?" Ruffnut used to be one of the closest friends to Astrid, being the only other female teen on Berk. "Dead? Really? You guys have quite the imagination. Of course me and Hiccup aren't dead! Why would you think that!?". Gobber was one to reply while the dragons started to fly again. "We found Hiccup's dagger, your axe and.. and Night fury scales" He choked the last part out. Suddenly the riders, including Astrid started laughing. The Berkians were even more confused.

The rider who was carrying Tuffnut and flying a yellow and black dragon took off his helmet revealing someone they least expected. "I'm sorry- did I- hear that- right? Toothless killing Hiccup and Astrid?!" Dagur said between the laughs. "That dragon is a giant fire breathing cat-oh sorry I can't" and continued laughing in Berserker. Once most riders calmed themselves down, Astrid continued speaking. "Sorry for that, but Toothless who is Hiccup's night fury never killed least not intentionally" Then it went dead silent. The dragon riders looked down sadly. Even though they were wearing masks, the captured Vikings could practically see the sad looks on their faces.

Astrid coughed as to break the silence and continued. "So, let me introduce everyone. Eret son of Eret, and Bone the Rumbelhorn-" She pointed at the pair who were carrying Stoick. Eret took off his mask. He had small blue paintings on his chin and in the eyes of Ruffnut, looked hot. "Then Dagur, Triple Stryke Sleuther and Shattermaster the Gronckle-" She pointed at them while saying their names. Shattermaster was carrying Fishlegs who became intrested with the new species, and while everyone were gasping, Stoick had no facial expression while the name Hiccup ran through his head multiple times like a speed stinger. "Then there is Heather and Windshear the Razorwhip-" She looked at the rider with the silver dragon who was carrying Gobber.

The rider wore silver dragon armour similiar to Astrid's, except it was made from the scales of Windshear (imagine School of Dragons Razorwhip dragon armour) "And finally, Garf the Death-song." She pointed to the orange and blue dragon. "Wait a minute, you said Hiccup and you survived, then where is he? Did he disappear?" Asked Ruffnut which turned into him and Tuffnut fantasising weird ideas.

"Maybe he fell off his dragon and died?"

"Or he invented something to time travel and we will never see him again?"

"That's too crazy Ruffnut! He probably just lives in the world with chickens"

"Or maybe he is flying above you and listening to everything you're saying?" Said a voice from  above. Everyone looked up to see a Night fury and a figure in dragon armour from black scales flying above them upside down, but what mostly caught the attention of the riders, were two arrows sticking out of the person's right shoulder.

"Um brother, you do realize you have two arrows sticking out of your right shoulder?" Dagur remarked. "Definitely didn't notice that, Dagur" the rider replied sarcastically. The Night fury turned around and the rider took off his helmet to revel green emerald eyes and auburn brown hair. That rider was non other then Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third. He turned his head to his right shoulder and pulled out the arrows. The Berkians saw that the arrow's tips were red in blood.

The surprising thing was that he didn't even flinch from pain. He kept a plain face all along. Then he looked at Astrid and gestured with his head as if he wanted her to fly up to him. She nodded and first flew above Garf, gently setting Ruffnut down and then they both flew up a bit higher so no one could hear their conversation. 


And that's a wrap on the next chapter! I am soooooooo excited to write the future ones😄! Also, Valka isn't dead. The person who was killed by Toothless is someone else but I won't reveal a thing XD Next chapter will be Hiccstrid's conversation and them arriving in the sanctuary. So I can finally say that Hiccstrid is coming in next chapter!!😆 Also, you may ask, where is Skullcrasher? He will appear later in the story :)

Also, Thank you so much for 222 reads! I can't believe my book reached that many people!😍 

Thanks for reading,

Kawaii 💕

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