Cat and Mouse

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Note: So our last chapter focused mainly on Pragya and her character' there was also some new mysteries and plots and schemes introduced, this scene will start with Preeran who are on their way to the club.

Karan and Preeta left in their car, there was an eerie silence in the car, each on battling their own demons, Karan noticed a car driving behind them that looked a bit suspicious, but brushed it off as his over active imagination just before the reached the club the car took a turn so Karan ignores it and parked at the club while the two of them exited and went about the work.

While working Preeta felt like someone was watching her but everytime she looked around she found no one there, around lunchtime there was a knock on the door.

PKL: " Come in she said" Karan peeked his head.

TKL: " Wo Preeta I just thought we could have lunch together".

He looked at her anxiously hoping she wouldnt reject his offer, she thought for a second and nodded her head and the two of them left to the cafeteria ordered their food and sat down.

Karan tired of the wall of silence between them decided to speak.

TKL: " How has your morning been"?

PKL:" Fine"

TKL: " Babydoll , I know that I have hurt you and done alot of wrong but please can we try to get past it, I cant take this distance between us."

PKL: " First my name is Preeta, the person you knew before shes gone, you killed her, you think you did wrong, No Mr Luthra what you did was sinful inhumane😡😡😡. You cant take the distance that you created huh, did you listen to me once, did you once think your actions through, No right. YOU LOST MR LUTHRA , Im not hungry anymore "

She walked away with angry tears running down her face, while Karan sat there disappointed and hurt and guilty, without touching his food he too walked away.

Someone sitting at the corner with a hat low covering half his face smirked.

PKL POV: " I wish I could forgive you but everytime I remember what you did to me" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭. Preeta sat on the floor of her office, with an array of thoughts running through her mind. Everything that had happened in last few months. It was a whirlwind of emotions, filled with confusion she put her head on her knees and closed her eyes, a flash back of her and Karans moments. The laughter and the adventure. The pain and the betrayal ,She was now in a conflict between her mind and heart.

On the one hand he was the man who hurt her from his angry actions and on the other he was also her best friend who supported her, stood up for and saved her,heart knew she would forgive him but her mind was constantly reminding her of his actions, she found herself in the very same position that Karan was in after his brothers marriage....

and now he was not just her best friend or betrayer he was also her husband, the man who she took 7 vows with not once but twice, even if he had forgotten those vows she did not, they were sacred too her, they meant something, her duty and responsibility as a wife and the promises that they made has they walked around the fire were apart of who she was and that was the crux of it all. She would need to look foward.

With these thoughts she went out to find Karan, she found him sitting on the stands of the ground, alone his eyes red from crying, that pinched her heart a little, she approached him with caution and sat beside him....

PKL: "Karan, Im sorry for my outburst earlier, I wont say that I have forgiven you completely but I do feel we need to make our marriage work, we need to take steps too rebuild that trust, it will take some time but Im willing to try. So can we start off as Friends ?" .

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