Robert was thankful for the easy escape from Barry, he really didn’t like that guy anymore. 


The drive was quiet, it was a bit disconcerting since normally  there was never a moment of silence between robert and simon. Robert sat, gazing out the window with a cigarette in his hand before sighing and looking over to simon. “So, how’s it with carol?” he asked, wondering if simon was really intending on dating that girl.

Robert watched as Simon's grip tightened on the steering wheel, wondering if he had accidentally angered his best friend before Simon forced himself to relax. “It’s fine. She’s a pretty bird, great body.” Simon said, looking on edge. Robert licked his lips before looking down to his lap.

“How are things with mary?” Simon asked, sparing a glance to robert. “It’s…. Fine.” Robert said, not wanting to think about it at all; he would much rather forget the less than enjoyable fucks he was having with mary. Robert just blamed it on nervous thoughts. Robert sighed and threw his cigarette out the window, seeing his house up the road; but Simon drove right past it.

Robert made a face before looking at Simon, “my house is back there simon?” Robert said, not sure why Simon had simply driven past. “I know. I'm taking you to my place, i invited mary, so you don't have to be worried about being alone with me.'' Simon said, sounding indifferent to Robert's confusion. That statement hurt Robert a little, but he did his best not to let it show.

“A-alright.” Robert said, cursing himself for tripping over his words. Robert sunk down in his seat, steadily chewing at his nails; festering over what Simon had said. Robert felt bad that Simon was being so careful not to push his boundaries; Robert felt bad because all he wanted was to be as close as they were when they first met.

Robert frowned, rubbing his neck before gazing out the window, thinking to himself. The heavy silence had returned and Robert found himself craving to be alone…


Robert sat on Simon's couch, staring at the table as Mary and Carol talked annoyingly loudly. Robert felt like his head was going to explode, he wanted to leave so badly but he forced himself to stay and endure such inhumane torture. Robert sunk down against the couch, wanting so desperately to just disappear…

“Oh yeah, I can't wait to watch the cure live!! I’m so excited to see the boys on stage ''Mary swooned, hugging Robert's arm tightly. Carol giggled and waved her hand in a feminine manner, “oh i know, i can't wait to get my hands on simon after their first show” carol said, her cheeks turning pink. Robert took a deep breath before looking at Mary, “are you thirsty mary?” Robert asked, looking for some kind of excuse to get out of this conversation.

Mary looked at robert before smiling and nodding her head, “yes i am actually! Get me a beer love, ''Mary said, leaning over and kissing Robert's cheek. “Ooh, me too! Please ''Carol said sweetly, but Robert simply nodded his head and stood up; briskly walking to the kitchen. Robert didn’t care too much for mindless chatter…

Robert sighed once he was alone in the kitchen and rubbed his face, feeling a headache coming on. ‘I need to sleep’ Robert thought, shuffling over to Simon's fridge and quickly pulling out three bottles. Robert sighed, running a hand through his tangled hair before feeling a pair of small hands place themselves on his shoulders.

Robert tensed, breath catching in his throat. Robert looked over his shoulder quickly and saw Mary standing behind him, a worried smile resting on her face. “Are you alright love? You look worn out..” Mary asked gently, rubbing Robert's arms in a comforting manner. Robert opened his mouth to speak before looking away. “I-im fine, just a bit knackered really..” Robert whispered, hands lingering on the counter.

“Is there anything i can do?” Mary said, hugging Robert from behind and nuzzling her face against Robert's back. The contact made Robert's skin crawl, and not in a good way. Robert cleared his throat before shaking his head, “no.. i'm fine, really,” Robert said, voice wavering a little. Mary lifted her head, gazing at the back of Robert's head. “Then why won't you look at me robert?’ she said in a pleading voice.

Robert, fed up with everything, pulled away from Mary and handed her the beer. “Where’s carol. It got quiet.” Robert said, but Mary simply shrugged. “Dunno, said she was going to go change clothes for a date with simon.” Mary said innocently. Robert sighed in annoyance before putting Carla's beer back into the fridge. “She’s a bit of a character.” Robert grumbles, walking past mary.

“Where are you going?” Mary asked curiously, following after robert. “Got to take a piss..” Robert mumbled, starting up the stairs that lead to the 2nd floor. “Oh, well alright but when you’re done let's go out to eat!” Mary called before walking away and taking a seat on the couch. Robert sighed, ignoring Mary's request.

With a hand sliding against the wall, Robert slowly walked up the stairs. He paused, seeing the dark hallway before walking forward, starting towards the bathroom before suddenly stopping. Robert turned and looked at Simon's bedroom door, it was closed. Simon never closed his door. Robert wasn’t sure what possessed him to approach the door, but he soon found himself standing right outside; hand resting on the handle.

Robert’s heartbeat was in his ears, he hesitated. ‘Maybe i’m just overthinking..’ Robert thought, his grip tightening on the door until he heard it. The sound of heavy breathing and a small whisper of Simon's name. The creaking of the bed, the sound of rustling sheets- robert knew what was happening. 

Robert swallowed thickly, his thoughts trailing back to all the times Simon had touched him. Robert could vividly remember the feeling of Simon's hands pressing against his skin; touching places no friend should touch. Robert, without thinking, pushed the door open. Frozen to his spot, Robert laid eyes on the two bodies tangled together; moving in unison. Robert’s eyes widened as he saw Simon's bareback, sweaty with arousal and just the top of Simon's bum..

Robert swallowed thickly, feeling the start of an erection before his thoughts were cut off by Carol letting out an embarrassed gasp. “Robert! Geeze don't you knock?!” Carol whined, covering her ample breasts from sight. Simon leaned back and turned, looking at robert’s with a surprised face. Robert felt glued to the stop, scrambling for something to say; an excuse or even an apology.

Robert grasped the door handle before simply turning around and closing the door.  Robert pressed his back against it before hearing Simon get off the bed. Not knowing how to face Simon without making an absolute fool of himself; robert ran down the stairs. 

“Robert? What's wrong?” Mary asked, watching as Robert grabbed his cigarettes. “Gotta go,” Robert said shortly, grabbing the front door and running out. “Robert- wait!” Simon called after Robert, however the blue eyed male was already halfway down the street. Robert kept running, he didn't plan on stopping for anything really. 

‘Shit- shit!’ Robert thought, hiding inside a phone booth. Robert was breathing heavily, his heart was racing and he had a painful erection in his trousers. The image of Simon half naked was still so vivid inside Robert's mind, he didn't know what to do.  He craved to see more- to feel simon against his body…

Robert slowly sat down in the phonebooth, a weak sob coming from him as he realized things were exactly the same. Nothing had changed except for the fact that Robert wanted Simon even more now than he did when they first touched… 

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