Captain's Orders

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For the purposes of this fic, Maya's hair is short (like at the beginning of s4) and Carina is wearing the red shirt outfit she had at the start of 4x11.

Enjoy! Don't forget to vote/comment!


The captain of Station 19 was sitting behind her desk, doing some paperwork as she usually did during the quiet moments at the firehouse. She was focused on writing an incident report from a call they had gone on that morning when two rapid knocks on her door made her look up. The person behind it didn't wait for permission to step in and immediately opened the door. The blonde leaned back on her seat and smirked. She had been waiting for her.

"Ciao, bella. I brought lunch like I promised." Carina said as she closed the door behind her and showed two paper bags she was carrying which had the logo of a Chinese restaurant they both liked.

Maya smiled and —without standing from her seat— extended a hand for the brunette to take. "Lock the door and come here, please."

The doctor tilted her head to the side, a little confused. She half turned to do as she was told before walking to the desk and set their lunch on it, then rounding the piece of furniture to get to her wife, and taking her hand as the blonde wanted, her eyes never leaving Maya's. "What is it? Is everything alright?"

The firefighter, with a smile still on her lips, pulled from Carina's hand to get her even closer to her, turning her seat to the side so Carina could stand right in front of her. "Everything is perfect, just... come here."

Carina finally understood what the blonde wanted and matched her smile before sitting on her lap —legs up on the armrest— and pulling her into a kiss with a hand behind her neck.

Maya wrapped both hands around Carina, one over her thighs and the other on her hips, and pulled her more into her body, as much as she could.

The Italian moaned into the kiss, which made the blonde smirk, when she felt something between their bodies, more precisely, where her right hip was pressed against Maya's lower abdomen.

Carina pulled away from Maya's lips and looked down, barely seeing the outline of something. She looked up again, finding the blonde's smirk and a mischievous sparkle in her blue eyes. "What is that?" She asked in a whisper even when she had a pretty good guess of what it was, playing with the short locks of blonde hair.

Maya's smirk grew bigger as she leaned to capture the doctor's lips again. "Just a little something I brought for us to have some fun." She whispered against her lips.

Carina lowered one of her hands between them, trying to feel the object in question a little bit better. "It does feel little, bella." She teased with a smirk of her own, tracing the phallic shape over the fabric.

Maya laughed at the taunt. "It's not like I could hide 6 inches in my pants." She explained, rubbing the tip of her nose on Carina's. "Besides, it's not about the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean."

The Italian pulled away once more to look at the blonde's face. Her previous lopsided smile was replaced with a confused look thanks to Maya's words. "What? What does that mean? Is that another American idiom?" Her eyebrows knitted together.

The captain couldn't contain the chuckle that escaped her lips at the cute gesture Carina had on her face. "It is." Maya confirmed, gently pressing a thumb on the doctor's forehead to smooth the crinkle between her eyebrows. "I'll show you want it means in a minute."

Saying that, she patted Carina's thighs twice to get her to stand up, which she did immediately, Maya following right after.

Eager, the Italian brought her hands to the collar of Maya's uniform and ripped it open in a single move, grateful for the snap buttons, before untucking it from inside her pants.

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