" In your studies have you ever come across cases where a werewolf has multiple mates?"

"Multiple mates? No Alpha it's not possible"

Instant relief floods my body. I was really scared for a moment there. I turn to the rogue and give her a haughty look.

"Exactly as I said you're mistaken."

"But...but...I" her face falls and I can practically feel the hopelessness emitting from her.

"The young lady thinks she has two mates?" Doc Gage ask seemingly intrigued by the subject.

"No Doc she thinks James is her mate"

"Well that changes things a little"


He holds his hands up in defense and starts back peddling "I'm not saying she is his mate but she may be close to it."


"Well we all know that Fate chooses our mates for us but where biology is concerned a big part of being mates is compatibility. Something within us reacts almost instinctual to a like individual with every sense. That person will smell exquisite, look like the most beautiful person you've ever seen, taste Divine, their touch will stimulate you like nothing else, and your very soul will call out to them in a yearnful ballad." Gage develops wistful gaze and zones out. I can't help but remember he has yet to find his mate and is probably longing for her.

"I know that part Doc get to the good stuff please" I interrupt his internal musing.

"Right" he clears his throat and continues "Those are true mates but there have been cases were a wolf may mistakenly identify someone as there "second" mate but it's more like a false mate."

"How is that possible?"

"It usually happens when a mate bond has been severely disrupted like one of the mates dies or they separate in a uncongenial way. The person and their wolf become susceptible to other mate options. They seek comfort and they find false mates. It's actually extremely rare because our wolves can be very picky."

"The match is no were near as powerful as with your true mate but the two will recognize similar traits that they find appealing like humility or strength, the same traits that they like with their true mates." Gage turns to address the rogue "Why do you think he's your mate?"

"I felt it when he touched me" she replies somewhat unsure.

Gage nods his head as if coming to an conclusion "That's possible as well if the connection is really strong it may even affect their senses not all senses but some.

Usually mated wolf would never even notice another wolf but since your relationship has.....um" he stops unsure on how to word it delicately.

"Has gone to hell" I fill in for him.

"It's made the Alpha Mate vulnerable. You're still his true mate Alpha nothing will ever change that. James probably just feels like he lost you."

I ponder that for a moment and decide the Doc's wrong. I think it's more like he lost hope in us. The rogue wouldn't even be factor if he thought we could ever reconcile. Between my affair, the rogues claims, James actions, and now the Doc's words I believe they are the final nails in the coffin of our relationship. I grasp at my chest as a hollow feeling begins to spread through my heart. Breathing becomes difficult and I start to feel woozy.


"I need to see him. What room is he in?" I ask desperately.

"They are putting him in the last recovery room on the left room 6"

Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of The Red Dawn Trilogy )Where stories live. Discover now