Bambi Here

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Salaam everyone

It's Bambi here. I just wanted to pop in and ask you all to keep Saj in your Du'aa. She's been having a hard time lately, a lot of pain, doctors appointments, and she has surgery this week so things are really stressful for her right now.

Alhamdulillah she is as positive and hopeful as ever, and once she has recovered from her surgeries she hopes to start the new plan she has for her books and brand.

I know a lot of people are disappointed she hasn't updated in awhile, but trust me when I say no one is more disappointed than she is. It hurts her not to be able to write and share her stories with all of you!

She sends her salaams and belated Ramadan Mubarak, and thanks you for your kind messages, posts, and comments. She also says she hopes all of you are okay and keeping safe.

Also she asks that you please make Du'aa for the people who are in dire situations right now due to the virus (or any other situation). May Allah rid us of this virus, and protect us.

So have some patience, sympathy, stay safe and healthy, and as Saj says, stay Awesome 🤗

-Bambi 🦌

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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