Book 2 - Mastermind behind betrayal Part 1 - For them the world

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                            (Book two will be told from Hazel Wong's perspective)

I felt the warm, salty tears rush down my face as I ran, I spotted Aunt Lucy and she too noticed me as well. She ran to help me, I ran away, I would be lead back to the others. It took awhile but I finally lost her in a crowd of people, I knew it wouldn't take her long to either find me again or go back to the others.

I had no idea of where I could go. I couldn't go to Deapdeen, phoning Hong Kong would be too obvious, a trap even, I truly... wait no. I never said anything about Sister Location. They would never even know. It was the perfect place, plus it's not too far. I can go there. No one would ever know, perhaps... but we're friends. I don't know if there is anyone else there. No one should be but there are a few of us left.

I know that there might be others there, if... no? Would it work though? Depends if hand unit, would the system still work, if it doesn't I could try to fix it? It would keep me busy. But for how long and only then would it be too late or too soon? I don't think I can take him alone, they might...

"Welc... ome to the first day of your exciting new... career! Whether you were approached... at a job fair, read our... ad at Screws, Bolts, and Hairpins, or if this is the result of a dare, we welcome you. I will be your personal... guide to help you get started. I'm a model 5... of the Handyman's Robotics and Unit-Repair... System, but you can call me Hand-Unit. Your new career promises challenge, intrigue and endless jan-jani..." Hand Unit got interrupted.

"Puppet is that you, I wasn't expecting you, th-there are other things here, do you know what they could be." As I expected, it was there after all.

"I might, there are two... they must be one of us as there is no way you could stumble upon this place on accident, we checked that first and last."

"I-I wouldn't be so sure, just- just in case."

"I stand by your side Lol, if anything happens, if anything has happened. Just tell me it doesn't have to be know, at any point, if want to we can talk."

"O-ok I'll open the door, they are at Ballora's old stage. Not the best of places at the minute but it's probably one of the most stable places in this gloomy old cage."

Ok, that's weird. "No... no no no."

They turned around and stared at me.

"Wait... HAZEL!!!" The girl I knew to be Cassidy screamed.

"Cassie!! Zed!!!" I recognised them. "It's been so long, how are you two, well not for you Zed but Cassie."

"Am I missing something?" Asked Cassie.

"Oh, yes. Zed and I met up at Vanessa's cottage, you know the new night guard at the Megaplex." I briefly explained to Cassidy.

"Blondie? I never realised that I never actually knew her name, thanks for telling me but... you've been crying." There was an silence. "I've known you for years, I can tell."

"They found out."

"About what, Hazel" I jumped, before this I had never heard his voice so firm.

"William, you know how I'm teaming up with him to get him back into Ultimate Custom night again. About Custom Night, have you fixed it up yet Cassie?"

"Oh yeah. I forgot about them being detectives, but yes I have fixed up Custom Night. Some of the animatronics need to be fixed up, would you and Zed take care of that while I get back to tracking him down. Since Hazel has had to leave, we'll have lost him by now. We won't have too long before it's too late but if people started leaving the country it would both help and make it harder for us."

"He would have an easy escape." Agreed Zed.

"Then we need to get to work, we will fix.. which one's?" I asked.

"Well, we need the nightmare's screams fixed up as they have started to sound like cries for help, you should check that while your fixing their screams. Foxy has somehow lost an arm and his hook, I think that's it but if there's time it would be worth checking some of the others."

"Okay then we need to get to work then. Come on Zed let's fix Foxy up. Bye Cassie!"

With that Zed and I left to find Foxy, who was in Ultimate Custom Night humming his usual tune when we found him.

"'Right there maties what can aye do for ya?"

"We came here to fix you up for when Afton get's sent back into Custom Night, is that alright with you?"

"Aye do need to be 'ixed up."

With that we began to fix Foxy to go back to the true pirate fox we all know and love. I never once thought of Daisy, Lavinia, Alexander, Kitty, George or Beanie. I liked the freedom but I if I had thought of them it would've been me thinking about if they had even cared. If they had really let me go so easily I'm guessing that they never cared. I had so carelessly trusted them, I wonder if there would've been an easy way to avoid this I had just never thought of in time. If I could've seen them smile, laugh or joke one last time. Only one and I would give the world, they wouldn't. They wouldn't run after me, they wouldn't dream of seeing me ever again, to be my friend. They didn't even ask anything else, though Lucy did run after me.

The way Zed smiled at me like he was smiling at a younger sister after she had done something so small but for her age so difficult like taking her first steps without anything to hold onto, something they wouldn't want to forget, I knew I was never going to be hurt like that again. Not by him nor Cassidy.

I had to stop working on Foxy when we got to his hook as there was no replacement for it at that moment in time but I still promised that I would have it done for him as soon as possible. Just because of all that time he had held what I always seen as a son, Fritz. So energetic and missed so much more. So care-free and brave, so forgiving and just a good person to talk to whenever needed.

I miss them all, Susie, her smile as she would hand you a fresh out of the oven cookie. Jeremy as he would just rest his head on your shoulder when he knew you were sad. Gabriel as he would defend you through everything standing next to Fritz as if your own personal guards. The people I saw as my own children. They were all so close to me. I lost them all and he would pay for cutting their time short. I will make sure of it. For them the world.

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