"...I don't remember..."

Tecna and Flora entered the gymnasium to find everything covered in soap and water. "What happened in here?! It's a mess!" Tecna shook her head, after her jaw slacked from shock.

"We started a water fight and I won!" Stella said, grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, please you did not-." Tristitia began, snickering as Flora scolded them next.

"You guys should be more careful! What if Griselda saw this?!"

"Indeed. What if I did?"

She stood present and ready. Tapping her foot as Musa gulped. "Busted..."

"I wanted to let you know, that Charm Life will be attending Magix Stadium tomorrow night and all of Alfea will be in attendance. Do you know this group?"

Tristitia gasped, shaking her head in disbelief. Her shoulders almost slumped, biting her inside cheek. Virtus listened to them a lot and Stella got her hooked, end result. A mixture of a boy and girl band, popular throughout Magix. She had always wanted to see them live, tomorrow night would have been a great chance.

"I have all their CDs!" Stella chimed.

"Good for you, since you have so much cleaning left to do, you won't be attending! I'm sure one of your classmates can buy you a T-shirt."


None were more distraught than Stella. A girl who had everything handed to her and yet, the one night her favorite group were to perform, Griselda showed to them just how cruel she could be. They watched with distaste as the girls and professors piled unto the buses. As they left, Bloom left the window.

"Hey, I know, let's call the boys!" Stella proclaimed with great enthusiasm.

"Yeah, like they'll be dying to help us clean." Tristitia scoffed.

"We can show them it's about heroics and bravery!" Bloom chimed.

"Won't Griselda be mad?" Tecna asked.

"Nope! Griselda said no magic, but she never said anything about extra help."

Stella grinned their way. "Yes! And we know they can't resist damsels in distress." She put aside her mop and bucket, whipping out her phone. Tristitia rolled her eyes. "Oh, c'mon, at least you can see your brother."

"Yeah, yeah. I really don't like the thought, of Griselda putting more punishments on us, is all." Tristitia huffed, though an unmistakable smile formed.

It did not take much longer for their call to be answered. Virtus removed his helmet first, grinning their way. "How may we be of service, ladies and sis?" he ignored the glowering look, Tristitia tossed him.

"I'm still a lady thank you, even though we're siblings."

"Really? I had no idea..."

Laughter escaped their lips. Riven broods in another corner of the room, as Musa turned on the music. Not one for dancing himself, Virtus remained on the sidelines with him and Tristitia. "I don't have a clue, how you tolerate them, Tris," Riven scoffed. Arms folded across his chest. "Feels as if I'm in a mad house."

"Heh, you get used to the girls, trust me. Sure you two don't wanna dance?" she asked, grinning knowing.

Virtus chuckled, shaking his head. "Nah, I have two left feet."

"Two left feet and a broken one." Riven grinned, ignoring his shove. "Relax, 'dear', no need to get steamed."

"Well, 'honey', if you wouldn't be so damned insufferable to put up with."

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