Chapter. 10

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Yang's Confession.

y/n:"Blake a-are you sure?"

Blake:"yep,she told me when you left"

Y/n:"are you ok with this?"

Blake:"yeah i am actually.... Plus me and her had already talked and we have a plan"

Y/n:"what is it?"

Blake:"you are going to date me and yang together"


Blake:"you heard me, staring today im giving you permission to have a harem as long as im the alpha"

Y/n was just confused and did not know how to react.

Y/n:"do i even have a say in this?"

Blake:"nope... Now go to yang"


As y/n left to find yang all he was thinking was.

Y/n:"what the hell?"

After walking for half an hour trying to find yang, y/n encountered ruby and asked her where yang was.

Ruby:"well if I remember correctly she wanted to have fresh air..... So she's probably on the rooftop."

Y/n:"thanks ruby!"

As y/n ran to the rooftop, there he saw yang sitting down over the edge looking at the moon.

As y/n slowly approaches yang sge turns around.

Yang:"hey y/n!"

Yang waves her hand and y/n went beside her.

Yang:"I'm gonna guess blake told you about me liking you?"

Y/n nodded.

Y/n:"did you force blake?"

Yang:"nope, actually after you left i kinda started seeing blake as a very close friend of mine and told her about my feelings for you, at first she was mad but then she stopped and said. Ok i'll give it a chance but I'll remain as the alpha girl and so we decided you might attract other girls as well so we thought of a harem."

Y/n:"but still... I'm not ready having a harem"

Blake appears out of nowhere.

Blake:"you'll be fine, after all your the sword of Supremacy"

Yang:"and i can't wait to see your sword~"

Blake blushed.

Blake:"yang! Thats lewd!"

Yang, y/n and blake laughed.

Y/n:"fine I'll give this try then"



As the two girls hugged y/n l

Yang:"also by the way y/n were going on a date just you and me"


Yang:"well tomorrow, since its vytal festival classes are suspended."

Y/n:"ok then"

Blake:"I'll just hit the library tomorrow then"

Yang:"well see you after our date blake"

Blake:"ok then"

Then y/n escorted blake and yangbto the dorm. After that y/n went straight to his dorm, but when he opened his door he was suprised to see his mom.

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