Pain sliced him and it took a while for him to reply. “You have decided to leave, after all, are you sure it is what you want?” They were words spoken slowly, voice shaking. What was it about her to affect him significantly?

“Yes. He is the only family I have and have known.”

“And so is your mother,” he did not bait a second in defending the woman she was still to meet.

“My mother I have not known,” Li Lian shrugged, quite the unemotional.

More cold silence passed before he finally relented. “My support you will always have."

That was the last topic they seriously spoke on before she left. The previous night they ignored. It was useless to address the happenings of it because what was there to be said?

Li Lian decided to pass by the physician’s quarters to see Lance but it was told to her that he had been escorted back to Furia for immediate medical attention. It was sad to see their friendship having to end on such a note because overall, Li Lian wished nothing but wellness to Lance.

“Li Lian!”

“Kong Cheng?" She saw him approach her from straight ahead. "You have found me at the right time.”

“I heard you were looking for me,” he eyed her suspiciously.

“Surely so! I have bidden my farewell to everyone except you.”

“Hmm, I have heard. Fang Qing doesn’t seem to be taking it well.”

Fang Qing barely said anything to her, sad over her departure considering they had become good friends who were always together all the time.

“Where are we going?”

“To see the Grand General.”

Kong Cheng’s feet faltered. “Have I done something wrong?”

“Many things that you must die for,” Li Lian bit her bottom lip to stop from laughing.

“I am to be taken seriously. It is not funny.”

“I am being the most serious,” she laughed.

“What a horrendous woman,” he gently pushed her forward in a playful manner. "Have you said words to ruin my character in the ears of the revered emperor?"

She laughed this time. Kong Cheng was still the biggest admirer of Yuwen Hong.

“But on a serious note,” she finally said after her laughing fit, “when we get inside, avoid speaking, and be on your best behavior. Only speak when addressed.”

“Why has he called me?”

“He did not, but I want to have you honored before I leave.”

“With what?”

“Good things shall come to those who wait. Follow what I do.” 

At the entrance, they did not have to ask to be granted permission to enter. It automatically happened that the curtains were parted for them. However, Kong Cheng had to go through a search in which he was inspected for any harmful weapons and his sword was submitted.

Yuwen Hong was in the welcoming room with two generals standing by him. He drew lines on the map as they seemed to be planning routes they would take later that night.

“Grand General, Her Ladyship is here to seek your audience," the court lady announced her.

Yuwen Hong instantly looked up expectantly and broke into glee when his expectation was met. “Li Lian,” he grinned. “You are here,” he said the obvious, then looked around at his subjects for them to give room.
They all saluted and did not waste time in departing.

“Come here,” he summoned her to his lap to which she snuggled into. “I thought you would sleep till late,” his hand traced the edges of her hairline, “considering yesterday was a day of events.”

She shook her head. “I figured I should wake up early and start passing my regards.”

“Of course. These people mean a lot in regards to your affection," he said in sentiment.

Li Lian nodded, feeling proud. He did listen when she spoke, after all.

She saw his eyes start to linger on her lips and was quick to shake her head, to which his eyebrow raised innocently, questioning.

“I have brought someone,” she nudged his shoulder and pointed to Kong Cheng. His nervousness was visible, but why didn't he show the same attitude on the other day he almost embarrassed her in front of Yu'er at the grounds. “Kong Cheng has always been an admirer of yours.”

Yuwen Hong did not waste time smirking, his ego showing.

“He also has a dream of becoming a palace guard.” This was the hard part and so did a frown fall on Yuwen Hong's face, proving that.

“Li Lian," he sighed. He always did that whenever she was being difficult. "Students of Blacksword Academy may not serve any palace duties.”

“I am aware of that,” she put on doe eyes.

“No, it can't be done.” He dismissed her request with finality, already looking around for his guards to come and lead Kong Cheng out.

She quickly took his head in her hands, pecked his lips and let her head stay resting on his. “Please,” she whispered, “it is a favor I'm asking for.”

She felt him shake in hesitation; a sign that she was breaking through.

“And what if I say no?”

“I know you will not.”

“I cannot break my principles for―”

“Your word is law. Are you not the emperor?”

To this he chuckled in defeat. “You have a way to my heart.”

“Thank you, my liege.” She kissed his forehead and sat back, still on his lap, turning to Kong Cheng, who was on the floor with eyes plastered down.

“What is your name?” Yuwen Hong's tone changed. It always did when it wasn't her he was addressing. So authoritative, direct, sharp, commanding. Unlike with her, where he was so gentle, quiet, and controlled.

“Name is Kong Cheng, Grand General.”

“Kong Cheng. You may go prepare your belongings so you may leave with us on this night.”

Li Lian couldn’t help smiling. For the first time, she did not feel like a woman being dragged along, no. She had a voice now. She could speak. She could reason.

But most importantly, she was being listened to.


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