23.Creepy psychic lady again

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You hurried past the wines and ran like your life depended on it.You got multiple stares but you couldn't care less.Finally reaching by the door step,you opened it,letting the bell attached on top ring alerting the old lady in the creepy shop where you had got the bracelets twenty chapters ago.

"I've waited for you Y/n.I knew you will come",she smiled."I need your help",you panted.

"I-I..I don't know what's happening to me!Why can't I be a normal human like everyone else?",you ranted with tears streaming down your face.Taehyung's expression earlier had you at your worst.

"Calm down dear.Let me help you",the old lady said as she walked towards the door,locked it and put a 'closed' sign.

She walked over to you and took you to a door behind the counter."You know what's happening to me.You felt it that day when I came in...Right?",you asked,taking a seat.She brought you a glass of water which you gladly accepted."I'm not a psychic for nothing dear.",she said.

"I've been getting nightmares.Since months ago.",you started explaining after chugging down the glass of water.

"Oh they aren't just nightmares dear",she said.

"What do you mean?",you asked.

"You can talk and move on your own will..hmm?",she asked.

"I've never thought of it that way..No one can control their dreams...but how did I?",you frowned.

"It's like visitng your own mind dear.Not dreams.",she said."Have you perhaps wittnessed a man..in your nightmares?",she asked.

"Y-yeah..I have.He somehow wants me and is trying to kill my friends",you said,your grip tightened around the glass remembering the way you had pushed Jimin off the boat.

"Just as I thought,",she banged her fist on the table beside her.

"I don't know why he wants to kill my friends..could you tell me any way I could stop all this nonsence?to not be a half demon?",you asked.

"Dear..do you know the myth about Asmodeus?",she asked,to which you shook your head no.

"Well...Asmodeus is one of the seven demons in the greek mythology.According to the legends..he loved a human girl,Sarah.He killed all her seven husbands on their wedding nights and got her for himself",her story made you straighten your back.

"Do you believe in fate?",she asked.

You had been asked this question before.
Yes...the demon.He asked you this.

"Maybe?it depends",you answered.
She sighed and nodded her head.

"Well...you come from the bloodline of Asmodeus and Sarah..makes you a half demon and half human and your friends...seven perhaps..come from the bloodline of the seven husbands..all eight of you coming together..is fate dear",she said.It took you some time to comprehend the new information before you nodded your head for her to continue.

"This demon from your dreams..is trying to redo Asmodeus' actions which was done centuries ago.That's why he wants your friends killed.He is doing exactly what Asmodeus has done.",she said.

You let out a shaky breath and held your head in between your hands."Is there any way I can stop him?",you asked after a minute.

"Ten years ago..a girl in the same situation as you are now came here for help.The next day her friends had died one by one painfully and the girl was no where to be found",she looked down.

Am I going to end up like her too?

"You've must have discovered powers of some kind",she asked."Oh yes..I can hypnotise any kind of being",you smiled bitterly through your tears.

"Only one power?",she frowned.
"Y-yes..only one",you said.

She asked for the glass from you and went into the kitchen.She came back with the glass refilled with water and kept it on the table.

She took your hand into hers and directed it towards the glass.

"Focus on the water",she said.You didn't understand but you did it anyways.
Nothing happened.

"Try again",she said."This time..forget everything that's around you and focus only on the water"

You did as you were said.To your surprise the water in the glass formed a snake-like shape and lifted itself as you lifted your hand.You gasped and let go of it.

The old lady watched amusedly."Looks like you discovered another.You can control air",she smiled but it instantly turned into a frown.
"But beware..the more you use your power..the more it takes a toll on you.You'll turn weak if you try to do the best out of it",she said.
You nodded,taking her words in.

"Darling..",she tapped your shoulder after a minute of silence.
"Yes ma'am?",you asked.

"I believe one of your friend is in trouble..you have to leave",she panicked.

Oh no

"Oh shit!I'll leave now..thank you ma'am..I owe you my life",you said as you took off after she nodded with a small,'Goodluck'.

"I'm coming Tae"

Hey peaches!
Fasten your seatbelts!we're getting into action!
By the way..the myth about asmodeus i mentioned is true..i guess.That's hat google said..
Creepy eh?
Hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Please Vote and comment so I can get your opinions!

Until then..
Peace out✌🏻

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