14.Snake woman!

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No shit sherlock
Am I gonna die of a snake bite?

You looked towards the ground,straight into it's venomous eyes,with a sudden feeling to do so.One of your eye,turned partially blue,you felt it as a cold sensation in your eye.
You didn't stop staring and run like a crazy lunatic as for what a normal person would do.Instead you kept staring.

This feels like Deja Vu..


Oh..yeah her.

Ava..yes.When you first had the strange nightmares she kept staring at you with those daring icy-blue orbs.Just like you are doing to the snake right this moment.You tilted your head sideways as an instinct.The snake itself,reflected your actions.It's thin orbs turned blue too catching you off guard.

What am I doing?

"Leave",you said feeling the creature under your control.It turned around and crawled away as fast as it had come towards you.
The tingling sensation in your eyes left,just as the said danger had left.

I have powers?

You threw your hands in the air,surprised of what you had done.Your eyes had only partially turned blue which possibly meant no sign of Ava.

Up until today,you've only seen these supernatural stuff in movies and comics.Well now you yourself were a victim of the incredible feeling.This was the first time you ever felt happy about yourself.

"I can hypnotise snakes..hmm what should I be called?Hypno lady!
Urgh no...SNAKE WOMAN...Or not.Who knows if someone might experiment on me...I rather stay unknown..",you jumped around the meadow feeling ever so light.

You felt happy.

Wait up..
What if..
What if it's not only snakes that I can hypnotise?

What if I can hypnotise humans too..?

Suddenly,an evil idea popped up in your mind.
You evily smirked,tapping your fingers together like a disney villain.

"Just wait for me..Min Yoongi"


You ran into the dorm,slipping out of your shoes with a huge grin on your face.

"Someone looks happy",Jin said upon seeing your grand entry.

"Yeah!I'm so happy that my face hurts!",you giggled and ran into your room,taking a quick shower and changing into comfortable clothes leaving Jin dumbfounded on the sofa.

"Girls",he mumbled rolling his eyes playfully at you dashing into your room.

You walked over to Yoongi's room and stood infront of the door,knocking on it afterwards.Upon hearing a "come in",you twisted the door knob open.

You walked in and saw Yoongi laying on his bed with a ball in his palm,bouncing it towards the wall and back to his grasp repeatedly.

"What do you want?",he asked sleepily.

Looks like someone's been counting sheep.

"I wanted to show you something",you said,squeeling internally."What is it?",he asked not bothering to shift his gaze towards you.
You rolled your eyes and caught the ball,when he threw it towards the wall again.

"What is it??"

Man,he looks pissed.

"Look into my eyes",you said,staring at his eyes.
"Got new contacts or something?if you did..I don't care",he said after clear inspection of your eyes.

"Just look without moving!don't say a word",you said.
He mumbled a "whatever" and stared into your eyes.
Your gaze intensified.You turned colour of your eyes instinctively,and tilted your head.
He followed your actions and fell into your trap.

Time for some fun.

"Now..Min Yoongi",You started,smiling like an idiot.

"Tell me something..that no one knows about you",you asked commandingly,controlling your giggles.

"I love hugs"

You gasped loudly at his statement and fished out your phone and pressed the camera icon.
You turned the phone horizontal and started recording him.
"Repeat",you said.

"I love hugs",once he had said it,you pressed the huge red button stopping the video.

"Okay mister..I just need one more favour from you",you smirked.

You ran into your room and took out your old waitress uniform,which now was of no use since they had changed the uniforms into casual aprons over our formal clothes.You had no idea why you had packed it into your bag but now it was of use.

You gave it to him and asked him to wear it,and left his room to give his some privacy.
Once he was all ready,you walked into the room and burst into a peal of laughter.

He had worn a black dress with a white apron on top,and a white head wear to go with it.

He had worn a black dress with a white apron on top,and a white head wear to go with it

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You took a picture of him and giggled non stop.
You walked closer to him to snap him out of it,like they did in movies,and hopefully,it should work.

You snapped your fingers at him.His state returned back to it's original and he started looking around,and back at himself and let out a growl.

"How did I get into these???what happened?why can't I remember anything??",he asked through gritted teeth.His deadly stare aimed at you.

"Y-you were sleepwalking.You put it on yourself.Nothing much.No one else knows",you said holding back a laugh.

"And No one must...",he said and walked into the washroom staring at the outfit with disgust.

You ran into your room and started rolling on the floor laughing the heck out loud.

Hey peaches!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter..
And FYI..i'm typing this while starving,waiting for the fast to break🥲
Hope it paid off..

Peace out✌🏻

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