"You're one to talk." Ray said as he eyed her small plate of eggs and bacon and glass of water.

"Yes, but this is normal for me." Mina replied.

Leila stared down at her food choices. Apple slices, french toast and a carton of milk.

"I don't want to feel too full." Leila answered Mina. "Especially not with what we're doing."

She took a bite out of her food and swallowed it as the otjers waited for her to say more.

"I just don't feel like eating a lot these days." Leila continued. "With everything that's happening, I feel like my stomach's been turned inside out."

"Stress." Ray concluded and Leila nodded, looking at Ray as he sipped on his orange juice.

"I'm relieved you seem better than you were yesterday, Ray." Leila said.

Ray was silent at that as he nodded somewhat hesitantly.

'I guess I just put my foot in my mouth, huh? Maybe I shouldn't have said that.'

Ray devoured his first pancake, looking at Subaru with a confused expression.

"Look at the amount of sugar you're dumping in that." He said.

"What?" Subaru asked innocently.

"Keep at it, and you're going to get diabetes." Ray scolded the younger boy.

"What, are you worried about me?" Subaru lightly teased.

Ray swallows his food, then points his spoon at Subaru across the table.

"Coffee and sugar are good in healthy amounts. But honestly, if you want energy and a stronger immune system, you better drink your vitamin C." Ray began as he swiped his glass and drank his fruit juice. "Like this! Caffeine keeps you alert, but it doesn't help your body repair itself. Wait, are you even listening to me?"

Nalalie watched in mild amusment as Subaru down half of his coffee in just one gulp before he set the cup down, licking his lips.

"You were saying?" Subaru asked.

"Take that as a no." Mina said with a light chuckle as she took a sip from her water and Ray shook his head.

'Ah, those two. I feel like somehow they've gotten closer.'

Leila bit into her French toast, letting the flavor settle on her tongue.
Despite her appetite, the flavours seemed richer due to them all eating together.


The group went back to where it all began.

They stood before the stairs leading to the basement.

Leila peered into the pitch black abyss. The eerie, screeching howl of the wind gave her the creeps.

Subaru took out a flashlight.

The steps were covered in dust and moss, but the staircase still seemed intact.

"I'll go first." Subaru said.

"No, let me." Ray said.

Subaru looked surprised for a moment, but immediately forced out a smile and handed Ray the flashlight.

"You don't need to worry about me." Subaru told him. "I'm perfectly fine."

"I'm... I'm not worried." Ray replied, an obvious lie. "Shut up and get moving."

'He is concerned about us.'

"Mina and I will stay at the back." Nalalie said. "You should stay between us and the boys, Leila."

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