Part 11

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Taehyung’s POV

"Are you okay now?" Y/N asked calm, looking not really disturbed at how wet her shoulder was after I cried hard on her.

"No, my head hurts" feeling my temple throbbed each time I tried to breath in due to my clogged nose, I pouted when I heard Y/N’s sass next.

"Serves you right for drinking too much," she mumbled not too loud, but still, it was meant for me to hear.

I love that about her.

Staring fondly to the girl who also took a seat by my side, having her morning coffee, she realized my stare and got easily flustered by it.

I hid my smile when she tried to hide her face by bringing the mug up to her face pretending to drink, even when the content was emptied already.

She might have forgotten that her mug was transparent.

So cute.

"Uh, I've ordered some food this morning for your hungover. I'll reheat it," she stood up with a brighter shade of red on her cheeks when she realized that her mug was see through, and I smiled wider without answering, since she had already left the table and walked to the fridge.

Looking at her searching into the fridge for the said food from here made me want to go to her and hug her.

I remembered the hug she gave me earlier.

So warm.

I missed having her in my arms.

I want to hug her again.

I want to hug her forever.

"Thank you," saying my gratitude when she slid the bowl of heated soup in front of me with a small portion of rice knowing how little I could eat after a drinking night made me want to shed tears again.

I miss this.

I miss her.

"I miss you," muttering while I faced down to the meal in front of me, I looked up to see if she heard me, as she was sitting at the opposite side of the table now, in front of me.

And when I found her eyes, I stared harder when she said nothing.

But she heard me for sure.

I could see right through the glint in her beautiful eyes.

"I miss you, Y/N" repeating the words again, Y/N seemed to be snapped out of her thoughts and my heart hurt when she shook her head.

"No," she hugged herself closer and moved backwards in her seat, creating distance between us.

"I missed being by your side, and I wanted to be back with you," placing the spoon down, I stood up and walked slowly to the woman who had her face away from me, but not leaving her seat.

"But you don't like me for me, you just kept me by your side because of the contract," I heard her sad voice as I arrived by her side and sat on the empty chair beside her.

"That's why I ended it. I don't want you to think that I spent my times with you because of the contract when it's not. It never does," taking her hands in mine and turning her chair to face me, I leaned my body closer and tilt my face to see her hidden one.

"The contract was just an excuse to make you mine, but it's wrong for me to do that without thinking of you," I continued, gently cupping her face in my palm and made eye contact with her, the girl I loved.

"As results, you hated me now, I realized my fault too late," smiling with pain, my heart hurt when Y/N pushed my hand away and looked down to her lap.

"I don't hate you," I heard her mumbled, but was she telling the truth?

"But you didn't even want to look at my face unless it's for work," I whispered, matching the slow voice she used, and Y/N lifted up her face with frowns on her forehead.

"It hurts to look at you. Since you've ended the contract, it must've mean that you don't want me anymore," her face was slightly blushing as she told her thoughts and I cupped her jaw with both my palms quickly to prevent her from hiding her pretty face away from me again.

"You're wrong. I want you more than ever, Y/N. I crave for your hugs, I craved for your smiles, I craved for your everything. I crave for you," staring right into her eyes, I could feel her face getting warmer at how close our distance was.

"Please? Let me be with you, I'll try my best to make it better. I'll do my best to flutter your heart, I'll do everything with you as my priority. Please?" moving forward in my seat, I was almost engulfing Y/N already at how far I had scooted closer towards her.

I could kiss her if I just moved a few more inches.

But I know I shouldn't.

I won't do anything without her consent.

Until she gave her answer.

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