Part 10

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"There you go," the employee who called me earlier helped me carry and placed Taehyung in the back seat of my car, and I appreciated his assistance a lot.

There's no way I could carry a grown up man by myself to my car alone.

There'll be problem on how to carry him when we arrived home, but I'll think about that later.

"Thank you," smiling to the male, he flashed back a very beautiful smile to me, and I took back my thoughts of thinking how he's just an employee.

He wore such flashy and stylish, not to mentioned branded clothings, thus I didn't think he was just a mere employee here.

"No worries, it's my duty. Uh, miss?" he shook his head with wide smile, and I saw a glimpse of dimples by his lips.

That kind of dimple on such a fine guy is illegal.


"I had to unlock his phone just now so I kind of stole his fingerprint. I hoped you could tell him that I'm sorry for doing so," he confessed and I smiled wide at this man's manner.

"Oh, no problem. You did the right thing. What's your name?"

"Hoseok, Jung Hoseok. I'm the owner," he gestured his hand to the bar behind him and I chuckled.


For sure not just a mere employee.

"I see. You've made a very pretty bar, Mr. Jung. I'll visit this place again," telling my wish to come, I did look forward for another visit to this bar.

"Please do, and just call me Hoseok. My boyfriend makes killer drinks here, I'm sure you'll love it," his eyes were twinkling with love at the mention of his boyfriend and I managed to stop myself from pouting.

Of course.

All great guys would surely be taken already.

"I'm sure I will. I'll get going now, thanks again,"

"No problem. It's my job to make sure all my customers are safe. Drive carefully," he advised as I entered the car and I gave him one last smile after making sure that the dead drunk man at the back won't fall off the seat when I started driving.

It took me another thirty minutes of waking up the barely conscious boss to give some strength into his legs to walk into my house after we arrived.

And after he was safely tucked into my old room which was now turned into the guest room after I made my parent's bedroom into mine, I quickly washed up and went to bed due to how late it was already.


Hearing a clang of something falling from the kitchen, I rushed into the area, thinking of Taehyung.

He was still asleep when I checked on him just now.

Taehyung was not that much different compared to Namjoon in terms of how they should practice social distancing with the kitchen.

Both of them would turn into such dangerous creatures once they entered any cooking area, and I've witnessed it first hand at our company's retreat last year to proof the fact to be absolutely correct.

Finding the man crouching down to collect the pan he managed to drop on the floor, Taehyung stood up as fast as lightning when he saw me approaching, causing his head to throb in pain due to the effect of last night's alcohol he took.

"Sit down, I'll grab you a glass of water" taking the pan from his hand and placing it on the kitchen counter, I pulled him to sit at the closest chair and gave him a glass of water before going back to store the pan to its original place.

"I'm sorry," I heard Taehyung muttering out the apology while I opened up the top cabinet with a little tiptoe, since I couldn't really reach there with my height.

"It's okay, nothing's broken anyways" I huffed out a breath after successfully placing the pan, thinking about doing housecleaning later on realizing how dusty the top cabinets were.

"I'm sorry," his voice cracked as he repeated the words, and I turned to see him after closing the cabinet.

Was he crying?

When Taehyung lifted his head and another set of his tears dropped as our eyes met, I felt pulled to walk towards the male instantly when I remembered the recording I heard last night.

It hurt me hearing him crying last night.

It hurt me more seeing him crying right now.

Damn it, Y/N.


Why were you so weak for this guy?

He hurt you.

You should be the one crying, not him.

While I was having a heated debate with myself in my head, my body had already moved on their own and pulled the man into a hug, pulling him to cry on me.

And when I felt his arms circling arounf my waist, pulling me closer as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, I gritted my teeth quietly at how perfect it felt to be back into his arms.

It was only a few months, but the amount of how much I missed being in his arms was unhealthy.

What should I do?

I wanted to stay like this.

I wanted to always be in his arms like this.

I don't want him to let me go.

What should I do?

What should I do?

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