Chapter 3 | Savitha

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The judge, Justice Rama Veerasamy, enters the court room just as we settle down

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The judge, Justice Rama Veerasamy, enters the court room just as we settle down.

She takes her seat and looks at me, scrutinizing my face for a few seconds before she shifts her gaze to Vijay.

She then opens the file which contains all our legal documents before turning to me, "Do you have any more proof that you have been living together separately Dr. Savitha," she asks.

"Yes, Your Honour," I reply earnestly, turning sideways to take a glance at Sid, who gets up and submits all the bills that I had collected over the year.

Bills of me buying my grocery, screenshots of Uber bills from from my apartment to the hospital, my gas bills and electricity bills.

She nods, taking a look at them, "So have both the parties come to an agreement?"

I nod, and Mr. Sengupta speaks up, "Yes, Your Honour." She turns towards Vijay and asks him yet another time, "Do you agree to go ahead with this divorce, Mr. Vijay Prakash?," her eyes narrowed to slits.

"Yes, Your Honour", he replies and I let out the breath I didn't even know that I was holding.

"Both parties are requested to sign the paper," she says, passing down a document to me. I sign it with no hesitation at all. God, my hands were itching to sign it so badly. It feels as though someone has just lifted a huge weight from my shoulders, and I feel so relieved. 

I give it to Sid, who passes it on to Mr. Sengupta. He takes a brief look at it, and then hands it over to Vijay.

Vijay takes out his favorite Mont Blanc, a black colored beauty with golden lining, the one the uses to sign all this deals with, and just as he's about to sign, his pen hovers over the paper for a second, and he looks up and holds my gaze.

A shiver passes down my spine, I cannot miss the red hot rage and pure hatred in his eyes.

He signs it anyways, stands up and walks out without any regard of his surroundings.

Justice Rama Veerasamy raises her eyebrows at Mr. Sengupta, not amused at all, who has the decency to look ashamed on the behalf of his client and mutters an apology.

Vijay has always been hot-headed. He's the kind of person who plans everything before hand and when things don't go his way, he'd throw tantrums, and then sit down even mire focused to get what he wants, and he always did. He never gives up, never.

"Given the circumstances, and the behavior of both the parties," she says, "The Madras High Court grants them immediate relief and divorce, effective now," signing the document too, and with that it feels as if someone just splashed colors into my life. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing can describe how relieved, how happy I feel right now.

"Court Adjourned."

Sid and I stand up, and once we make it out of the main gates, Sid picks me up and twirls me around in the air. "I'm so, so very proud of you, sis," he says, his eyes soft, a hundred emotions swirling around in them, before pressing a soft kiss on my forehead.

In the one year that we've reconnected, Sid has become the elder brother that I never had. Him, Vidhya, and Krish have been my pillars of support, and without them, I doubt if I could've even survived the last year.

Someone clears their throat beside us, and I turn, only to come face-to-face with my ex-husband, who is standing a few feet away. I should've known, Vijay never gives up that easily.

"Always the bitch, huh," he says, taking a step towards me, "Not even an hour since we've been divorced, and already into another man's arms," his words dripping with hatred.

And I once thought that I could love this man, ugh.

Before he could take another step to reach me, Sid pulls me behind him, shielding me from Vijay. 

"Come on man, don't force me to file a permanent injunction (restraining order) against you," he says, laughter clear in his voice before he adds, "Oh wait, I already have".

"Now, please leave this kid alone, and get the fuck out of her life," and believe me, Sid sounds really threatening, all the mirth gone, replaced by deadliness.

He throws his hands over my shoulders, and guides me into the Parry's streets, the streets that look so lively, even in mid-day.

"And this, Kiddo, calls for a celebration," he says, bouncing with excitement.

We walk a little while before we come in front of a chat shop called Chatterjee's Chat Corner.

Sid rushes in, "Hi, Bijoy anna (brother), how are you?," he asks the man sitting at the counter, who smiles brightly at Sid, as they make a small conversation.

He orders two plates of panipuri, before we take our seats, at a small table in the corner of the cute place, next to the window, overlooking the busy Parry's streets.

Sid wastes no time in putting a huge puri into his mouth as soon as our order arrives, before opening his mouth and saying, 

"Pack your bags, we're leaving for Bangalore tonight."

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Hey guys, 

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Hey guys, 

I promised an update today, and here it is! Hope you like the chapter! 

Also, how do you find Sid? You guys like him?

My classes start tom, and it's really gonna get hectic, but I promise I will do my best to make sure that I will update according to the schedule. Next update's on Friday, and if I miss it, on Saturday for sure! 

Love, XOXO, 


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