The Calm Before Storm. Part 9

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(My dads doing fine! He's out of the hospital! While he was in the hospital I took some time to binge read books and other fics and reevaluated my life choices and so instead of this being the sports tournament chapter I decided to take it a bit slower for the sake of my sanity. Enjoy!) 

It was 2 days before the sports festival and Izuku had already gotten some gear prior. He decided all he wanted was a retractable, sturdy metal pole... Bo staff? He had already forgotten what it was called but you understand. The retractable bo staff was placed in a slot in his utility belt, he also brought a pair of these cool retractable skates he found in an ad.

'What is it with me and ads?' Izuku sighed before getting his thoughts interrupted by Hatsume, "Aren't you excited Izu!" Hatsume basically screamed in his ear. "AH! Oh- sorry Hatsume and what's with the nickname?" Izuku asked. "I just thought it would be totes cute if I gave you guys nicknames, like Shinso is Hito! It's fine if we're not on first name bases, yet, I can stop if you want." She said rubbing her neck, embarrassed she didn't ask before hand. "Oh no! I-it's fine... So, what would that make you?" Izuku questioned. Hatsume hummed, "I dunno, my name only has 3 letters in it, so there isn't much to choose. How about Mei-Mei!" Izuku laughed, "Aren't nicknames supposed to be shorter than your name?" "Eh, Who really cares, it's cute and that's the only thing you're allowed to call me from now on!" She said puffing out her chest.

Izuku giggled at her tactics while Shinso walked over. "You both ready for the Sports festival?" He asked. They both nodded, or well, more like Izuku nodded while Hatsume was having a head spasm. "How about we all practice sparring and you guys could show me your gear?" Shinso suggested. "Yeah! That's a great idea!" Hatsume beamed at the chance to show off her Babies. Yes, Babies, with a capital B.

After a while of light-hearted sparring Izuku showed off his totally rad skates. "WOAH! Where'd you get those? I could totally use some so I can roll around and show off my Babies!" Hatsume yelled at the sight of the skates. Izuku rubbed his neck and laughed, "I just found them off an ad online, I'll send you the link later. I've already practiced in them and I would say I'm decent enough to not fall immediately." Hitoshi rolled his eyes, "And by that I'm guessing you mean you can already do multiple tricks in them." Izuku nodded vigorously making everyone, plus himself, laugh.

Hitoshi said he was mainly using his fist and legs in the festival so he brought some protective gloves that travel a bit up his arm and some ankle bracers that were as hard as Kirishima's quirk. Hatsume just decided to get all of her flashiest gear that she was able to bring and forcefully use Iida to show it off, Izuku stifled a laugh while Hitoshi just rolled his eyes.

After a while they all went home, or well, Hito and Mei-mei went home. Izuku brought out his duffle bag he kept hidden under the garbage at the beach and pulled out his vigilante gear. He seriously needed to calm his nerves down with the whole sports festival going on and doing vigilante work seems to do just that.

He was traveling on the rooftops, peering down to see if anyone needs help. He passed by an alley and he saw a little girl hiding behind a garbage bin. 'Is she lost?' He thought. He was about to move down until he saw a man walking down shouting, presumably, the girls name. She looked absolutely terrified.

Izuku jumped down and came towards the man, changing his voice changer to match a young adult's voice. "Excuse me, sir, are you lost?" Izuku tilted his head. The man immediately turned around to face him, "I'm looking for my daughter, she has long white hair and red eyes, have you seen her?"  The child's terrified expression flashed in his mind. Izuku put his hand up to his waist, "Is she about this tall?" The man nodded. "I think I saw her head down the street. I saw her when she was walking near the convenience store." The man nodded once more and head down the street.

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