ابدأ من البداية

Méabh pulled away first, looking at us with a fierce look, "We will be right there."

I nodded, pulling away from Chief Asmund, "Meet us at the gates of Merk. Our boat is stationed at the loading dock."

Chief Asmund followed us to the door of the Great Hall. "I leave my daughter in your hands once again, Aislin. Please bring her home in one piece." he asked, a silent pleading clouding his clear eyes. I rested a reassuring hand on his arm and nodded. Kingsley and I turned and started back for the ship.

The ship bustled as the restless sailors tried to keep themselves busy. Leland and August met us at the top of the gangplank, concern clouding their faces. Leland reached forward like he wanted to pull me aboard and inspect that I still had all my fingers and toes.

"We're fine." I said, catching his eye with a look that 'Touch me and you'll lose a finger.' "They'll be here in about 10 minutes and then we'll set sail." I said as Grey and Arius came up behind them.

August just stared at Kingsley with a star struck expression. He had no clue what was going on around him. Evander sat sulking by the door to the lower decks. I guess he hadn't gotten over being left behind.

I turned to Grey to discuss our route back to Kavan. I heard Méabh and Blakely-Rose's footfalls come up the gangplank. I felt Grey catch his breath beside me as we looked at the oncoming passengers. Blakely-Rose had caught his gaze. He immediately looked at the deck of the ship like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Fire ignited in both their eyes for that brief second.

It didn't surprise me. Everyone was staring at her. She was striking. Blakely-Rose had a rare condition that left her body unable to create pigment. She had skin so pale she made Kingsley look like she had a suntan, and eyes in such a light shade of blue they were almost white. Even her shoulder-length hair was completely white, even lighter than her skin. Her straight bangs sitting across her forehead made her appear otherworldly.

"This is Méabh." I said gesturing to my short, leather-clad friend, "and this," I continued winking at Grey "is Blakely-Rose." Their eyes met again and you could feel the electricity in the air. Blakely-Rose looked away and wrapped her hands around Méabh's arm and Grey took a step behind me. I turned to the nervous kid behind me and whispered "She's your age." with a very pronounced wink. The rest of the group chuckled and Blakely-Rose flushed deep red.

Evander had looked over at the commotion of our new passengers arriving. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates, but it wasn't because of Blakely-Rose's unusual appearance. He was looking straight past her at Méabh. He rose to his feet and started toward us as if he was being pulled on a string. Méabh noticed the movement and I snorted as her jaw dropped at his approach. If only she knew.

Evander's eyes slowly shrunk back to normal size as he grew closer. When he reached us, he looked down at her in bewilderment.

"This is your great viking warrior!" he scoffed in disbelief. "Where's the rest of her?" I saw Kingsley draw her breath through her teeth.

There's a reason I had waited to set him straight. I didn't want to deprive Méabh of the pleasure.

She sauntered toward him until they stood only inches apart. He had to look straight down to see her face and she had to look straight up at him. Evander drew in a sharp breath and stiffened as Méabh began walking her fingers up his chest and drawing even closer.

AISLIN | Iحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن